06 surprising facts about Apple - The Most Curious in the World
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06 surprising facts about Apple

06 surprising facts about Apple. Apple, also known as the apple brand, has several interesting curiosities. And so that you can know a little more about it, keep reading this article.


With almost 39 years of history, one of the largest and most valuable technology companies in the world, it contains a lot of very interesting information.

At first, we will say that although many think that the company was created by only two people, there is someone missing in this story, and that is Ronald Wayne, the third fundamental member of the group.


He was curious to know more things, well, here we will present 10 curiosities!

Where did the money to create Apple come from?

Many must ask themselves, where did so much money come from, so that they could create the famous brand, Apple.

So, so that they could face the problems related to money, the only solution that Steve Jobs (one of the creators) found was to sell his van.

His partner, on the other hand, had to get rid of another asset, his calculator, and even though it seems that such an object was worthless, it had a value equivalent to the U$S 700; this, because of its model, which was a Wozniak, an HP-65.

What happened to Ronald Wayne

At the beginning of this article, we said that there was a second founder of Apple, but there is a curious story there!

Although Ronald was really part of Apple's history, his participation was not that long, much less exciting.

In just 12 days after founding the company, he sold his stake as a partner, for just US$ 800.

However, it received as an “additional” of US$ 1,500.

However, if he had not sold his shares (10%), however few they were, today it would be worth around US$ 100 billion.

Why the name “Apple”

As you may have noticed, in all Apple products, there is an apple, on the back, and therefore the name “Apple”, as it is the meaning of the fruit in English. It is also part of the 06 surprising facts about Apple.

However, what is the logic of using an apple as the brand symbol?

This is a very common question among people, and the answer is quite interesting.

When Jobs, one of the brand's main creators, went to a farm, he came across an apple, and then saw that it was "fun, witty and non-intimidating".

And the reason she's bitten is so people don't mistake her for a cherry.

There were several speculations, saying that the symbol made reference to Alan Turing, known as the founder of computing, even because he had committed suicide, and next to his body, he had a half apple.

But was it always an apple?

No! Before the apple was the symbol of the brand, co-founder Ronald Wayne had created a very detailed and elaborate logo.

In the drawing was portrayed the famous Isaac Newton, at the foot of a tree, on which a fruit falls on his head, and thus creates the Law of Gravity, and to complement, there was a banner surrounding this drawing, where it was written “Apple Computer Co.”.

Why do Apple products have an "I" on the front?

It is very likely that you have already noticed that the names of Apple devices all start with “I”.

The same makes reference to not only the internet, but also the “I”, which in English is “I”.

How much money goes to Apple per second?

Reading the subtitle of this article, this information clearly appears to be impossible to answer.

But you are very wrong, according to the infographic, the value generated by apple per second equals R$ 4,768, which is around US$ 1,444. That is, in one hour, Apple already adds to its equity, a value of US$ 5.7 million. These are the 06 surprising facts about Apple.