How to diet without extreme sacrifice - The Most Curious in the World
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How to diet without extreme sacrifice

Going on a diet is not always easy, after all, not eating the things we love most and that are part of our daily lives can be a real torture for some people, and can even generate anxiety, which can further harm the weight loss process. .


Turns out, being okay with the scale doesn't have to be torture. Yes, you can lose weight with health and without sacrificing your body and mind. Doubt? Check out 5 tips on how to diet without sacrifice below.

How to diet without extreme sacrifice


1. Focus on your goal

The focus is on logo at the top of the list due to its immense importance, since without it the chances of success are practically zero. What do you want to achieve with the diet? Lose weight? Increase lean mass? Hypertrophy?

Regardless of what the goal is, focus on what you want, it will help you in the moments when temptation reaches you. Over time your mind will visualize the goal in these moments, making your choices easier and healthier.

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2. Plan your meals

Plan your meals for the entire week in a way to avoid ending up consuming foods from your restriction list. Planning guarantees you greater organization and control of what will be consumed.

Try writing down the menu for each of your meals for an entire week on Sunday, for example. Always prepare the day before and leave everything reserved in pots ready for consumption.

Preparing the day before avoids that, in case of delay, you end up forgetting something and consuming what you shouldn't.

3. Eat several meals a day

Make sure you eat at least every 3 hours. Meals should be in small portions and healthy foods such as fruits, vegetables, greens, lean proteins, among others.

Eating several times a day prevents you from falling into temptation throughout the day with “fast snacks”, which are usually high in fat and sugar, which negatively impact the weight loss process.

4. Hydrate!

Hydrate yourself a lot throughout the day, this will help you to increase satiety, as well as ensure a better functioning of the entire orgasm, in addition to eliminating swelling and toxins, when hydration is carried out with the help of teas and detox drinks.

Alternate hydration with water, teas and natural juices, which is important to ensure hydration

These are just some of the tips from how to diet without sacrifice, just follow it properly!

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