Temporary vacancies at the end of the year - O Mais Curioso do Mundo
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Temporary vacancies at the end of the year

For those who spent this year without work and are looking at temporary vacancies at the end of the year, the time has come to apply. Due to the pandemic, many people were left without work. Once again, the job market offers job opportunities for those looking for professional replacement.


Even though these are short-term vacancies, there are chances of the professional being hired by the company. Trade is one of the focuses of the offers. Commercial stores in malls or streets have already started to select candidates. If you are looking for vacancies, this is the time! Temporary vacancies at the end of the year wait to hire.

Temporary vacancies at the end of the year

What are temporary vacancies?

With the approach of seasonal dates such as Children's Day, Christmas and New Year's Eve, companies need to cope with the high demand from potential potential customers. For this, they need to hire extra specialized labor to cope with the high season.


Even maintaining fixed staff, it is no longer possible to keep employees from functions to meet so much demand. For example, commercial stores often hire extra salespeople to handle customer service functions. There are forecasts of more than 560,000 temporary jobs for 2021.

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How do temporary jobs work?

In this type of hiring, temporary vacancies at the end of the year provide for 180 working days, which can be extended for another 90 days. The deadline must be calculated in calendar days, regardless of whether the workday is daily or not. And it is worth emphasizing that temporary work is foreseen in law

What services are offered?

According to the Brazilian Association of Temporary Work (Asserttem), 60% of temporary hires are for industry, 25% are for the service sector and 15% of vacancies are absorbed by commerce. And according to the agency, 20% of the extra employees are hired after the end of the temporary journey. 

Advantages and disadvantages

Companies ensure cost reduction in temporary hires. But the worker may not benefit. If it is not effective, the temporary employee will become unemployed again. If you are out of work and want to apply for temporary vacancies at the end of the year, think and analyze whether it will be advantageous.

Labor rights

Even though these are temporary vacancies at the end of the year, workers are guaranteed the labor rights provided for by law. See which ones.

  • Eight-hour day or specific day
  • Paid overtime of at least 50%
  • 20% night add-on
  • paid time off
  • Remuneration of the category in the function performed
  • Proportional vacation pay
  • FGTS
  • Social security benefits
  • accident insurance
  • portfolio registration
  • As it is a temporary contract, the worker will not have rights to terminate the contract. 

increase in vacancies

Due to the coronavirus, many jobs have been closed since 2020. With this, the need for rehiring grows. However, many companies reinvent their ways of hiring. In search of financial restructuring, the business sector has been investing in temporary hiring, while recovering economically.

With more than 1 million effective vacancies closed since the beginning of the pandemic, the hiring regime bet on temporary service. About 47% increase in short-term work was recorded. 


The season is open for temporary vacancies at the end of the year. The market offers new job opportunities, with the possibility of starting the next year with a formal job. If you are looking for opportunities, do not miss the chance and apply for the functions that best suit you. Even if it's not effective, earning some extra money is always good!

To the next!

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