Electric bill always too high? See how to apply for the Social Electricity Tariff! - The Most Curious in the World
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Electric bill always too high? See how to apply for the Social Electricity Tariff!

With each passing day, inflation only increases and with it the price of everything around us, but what if I told you that it is possible to receive a discount of up to 65% on your energy bill? Interested, right? So read on to find out more about this opportunity!


Electric bill always too high? See how to request the social energy tariff

What is it?


The Electricity Social Tariff, or as it is also known, TSEE, was created on April 26, 2002 by Law No. 10,438. Through it, discounts are granted to certain consumers who fall into the category of Low Income Residential Subclass.

These consumers receive the benefit of exemption from the cost of the CDE (Energy Development Account) and also from the cost of other programs such as PROINFA (Incentive Program for Alternative Sources of Electric Energy).

In addition to the aforementioned exemptions, discounts are applied to the remaining amount of the bill, cumulatively, according to the table below:

Monthly electricity consumptionDiscountFee for applying the reduction
from 0 to 30 kWh65%B1 low income subclass
from 31 kWh to 100 kWh40%
from 101 kWh to 220 kWh10%
from 221 kWh0%


Who is entitled to this benefit?

Well, in short, this benefit extends more commonly to people who have a low enough income that the value of the energy bill becomes an unsustainable burden and to people who, for health reasons, depend heavily on the use of energy. See below in more detail what is required to access the program:

To be eligible for Social Tariff discounts, you must meet one of the following requirements:

Have your family registered in the Single Registry for Social Programs of the Federal Government, Single Registry, with monthly family income per capita less than or equal to 50% of a national minimum wage;

Being elderly aged 65 years or more or having a disability, who receive the BPC (Beneficio Prestação Continuada) from Social Assistance;

Have a family registered in the Cadastro Único and with a monthly income of up to 3 minimum wages, where there is a person with a disease or disability (whatever it may be) in which treatment, medical or therapeutic procedures require the continuous use of devices or instruments that require the use electricity for its operation.


How can I apply for the benefit?

In order to request the discount, one of the family members must contact their electricity distributor and request that their unit or, more popularly, their meter, be included in the low-income residential subclass. To do this, you will need to provide the following data:

  • The applicant's name;
  • CPF and/or Identity Card (If these do not exist, some other official document with a photo);
  • The Code of the consumer unit to be benefited;
  • The social identification number – NIS and/or the Family Code in the Single Registry or the Benefit Number will also be required;
  •  And in cases of families in continuous use of devices, present a report and certificate authenticated by a medical professional.

After that, the distributor must consult the Single Registry or the Continuous Benefit Registry so that it can verify the information provided, and the last registration update must have occurred within a maximum of two years.

In case of other doubts or more specific information, you can consult your local distributor or even ANEEL, through telephone 167.

The Electric Energy Social Tariff is for many families a helping hand that helps to maintain financial control during times of difficulty. If after reading this you think that your family fits one of the necessary requirements, don't waste time and apply for this benefit yourself too, it's your right!

For more information on how to register in the Cadastro Único, do not hesitate and contact your local city hall, or simply access the website of the Ministry of Citizenship at the following link: https://cidadania.gov.br/ .

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