6 free organization apps - The Most Curious in the World
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6 free organization apps

Do you need to get better organized, but don't know how? Know that, nowadays, there are many apps that can help you stay organized and fulfill all your daily tasks. 


For those who lead a busy life or for those who need to keep everything written down so they don't forget anything, having an application that helps with organization is the best way to stay up to date and less anxious. That's because with an organization app, you can remember everything you have to do that day and thus organize not only your day, but also all your priorities. 

With that in mind, we've separated six organization apps for you to keep focused and completely organize your routine. Were you curious? Just keep reading till the end and get to know all these wonderful apps. 


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6 free organization apps


6 organization apps to keep you focused on your routine 

No more writing everything down on the agenda, right? With these apps, you can have your entire daily routine in the palm of your hands all day long. Find out now which are the best organization apps for Android and iOS:

1. Toggle Track

O Toggle Track is an organization application that manages to record all the time spent on each task. The app has a stopwatch that lets you know the time of each running task. To start tracking time, just press play. The tool is ideal for those who need to complete several tasks a day and for those who don't know how to organize their time. 

An interesting differential of the application is that it is able to record reports displaying graphs with information about how the user has divided their time. Therefore, if you think that you waste a lot of time on some simple tasks, Toggl Track is an ideal application for you to get organized!

2. Pocket

If you are one of those people who saves several articles on the internet and cannot read any of them due to lack of time or organization. O Pocket is the ideal app for you! That's because it lets you save web content in one place, making it a great option to save texts to read later. However, the application also serves to save news, articles and videos. 

To save these documents, the user must select the share icon on the original content platform and then choose the “Add to Pocket” option. With a very simplified layout, Pocket allows you to organize contents using tags, or even archive contents that are no longer of interest to you.

An interesting option of Pocket is that it turns any saved content into audio. So you can read that book in audiobook form. Amazing, isn't it? It's worth downloading and testing this super complete organization application!

3. Trello

O Trello is an application widely used among professionals from different areas and between companies. Despite being a rather elaborate layout, the purpose of the application is to keep us aware of production flows. Each production type has an editable board with different cards. It is possible to edit the name of the cards, with the name of each task, due date, add a description and add labels of check list. All these possibilities help in the organization of the demands to be fulfilled

A big advantage of Trello is that, within the same board, you can add several collaborating people. The application also allows employees to communicate through the platform itself. It is worth remembering that, as the user advances in the tasks, he can move the card to the next frame, as a kind of production process. Therefore, Trello is very useful for organizing studies and work demands, especially when actions are taken as a group.

4. Google Keep

In the mood to take several daily notes in a virtual notebook without wasting a sheet of paper? Then the Google Keep is the right app for you. In it, it is possible to add reminders and notes quickly and simply in the format of post-it notes. In addition, you can create routine to-do lists and give check once you complete a task.

Like Trello, Google Keep is a very participatory platform, being able to invite people, by email, to participate in the virtual panel. Other interesting features are being able to add images, videos and even write with the brush itself instead of the keyboard. For lovers of the famous physical agenda, this is an exciting possibility, isn't it?  

5. Google Calendar

Google Calendar is an application that works precisely, as its name says, as an agenda. Its very explanatory layout features a calendar that can be divided into monthly, weekly and daily. In this sense, you can program what is most urgent in your routine. 

The app is also very interactive. With it, you can schedule video calls and invite people. An interesting feature is that it is integrated with Google Workplace, which makes it possible to check the availability of colleagues on your work team to participate in meetings. In addition, the application has a notification option, allowing you to know when the task must be done. 

6. Plantie and Forest

O plant,  for cell phones with iOS system, and the Forest, for cell phones with the Android system, are organization applications with the opposite function: moving you further and further away from your cell phone. That's because spending a lot of time on your cell phone can hinder your productivity in studies or work. Thinking about it, these apps bring a kind of game. That is, as the user completes some time away from the cell phone, a plant seedling becomes a tree. However, when the person exits the app or enters another app during that time, the tree dies. 


The longer you manage to stay away from your cell phone, the more the trees will multiply. The objective, then, is to form a forest. The applications have a great differential, allowing the user to choose the type of plant he wants to plant and the type of task he wants to focus on. Another differential of the application are the sounds of nature that can be added while the timer is running. It's a lot of creativity!


Now that you know the organization apps, how about choosing the one that best fits your routine and downloading it for free? Start now to keep your focus and productivity up to date! 

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