Meet the app that will help you keep anxiety under control - O Mais Curioso do Mundo
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Meet the app that will help you keep anxiety under control

A very useful tool these days, of course, are applications, especially those dedicated to health care, such as, for example, the app to control anxiety. It's not news that depression and anxiety are considered the diseases of modern life. Using an app to help with control or treatment is an excellent choice.


We can cite, for example, the app dear anxiety, where tips and information are gathered to help the user to control anxiety. Obviously, it does not replace professional follow-up, however, it is an excellent way to have support to control crises. Therefore, it is worth knowing more about this app to control anxiety.

Meet the app that will help you keep anxiety under control

Know the main symptoms of anxiety

  • Sweating
  • Tachycardia
  • Dry mouth
  • Nausea
  • tremors
  • excessive worry

Anxiety increasingly hits society. This certainly happens due to several factors related to everyday life, especially work. We can also say that this scenario was aggravated due to the pandemic.


In addition to the symptoms mentioned above, anxiety can also cause other psychological symptoms, such as excessive worry. For all these reasons, using a app to control anxiety can help the user to keep seizures under control.

Dear anxiety: discover this app to control anxiety

Considering that every year the cases of people suffering from emotional illnesses, such as anxiety, increase. In Brazil, we have about 19 million people suffering from this disease, the highest number in the world. These data lead us to conclude that the tools offered by technology bring great help to users.

the app dear anxiety is a platform with the aim of helping the user to keep anxiety under control. It has several functions dedicated to helping the person deal with the disease. That is, the app offers important information about anxiety and even teaches techniques to keep it under control.

In addition, the app also has several videos of meditation and therapeutic writing, for example. Great means to reduce the effects of anxiety. Another important point is that this app to control anxiety it has several breathing exercises, an ideal task to help the user to remain calm in times of crisis.

Learn how to download Querida Ansiedade, an application to control anxiety 

This app is available for both Android and iOS. In this way, the user only needs to access the application store of his cell phone. The app is available for download for free in both stores. It occupies on average only 10 MB of memory.

First, after downloading, you need to register. After that, just log in to access your home screen. On this screen, you can watch a tutorial on how to use the platform, or choose the tools you want to use.

Therefore, in this app to control anxiety we can highlight the “Journey” function, an 8-week program to help you keep anxiety under control. In addition, it is also possible to choose the option “I need to calm down now”, where you will learn breathing techniques that will help you control anxiety peaks. Finally, it is also possible to use the option “Tools for anxiety”, which bring several resources such as video meditations, for example.

Other apps that can help you take care of your health

Currently, apps are one of the most used tools in the modern world. In this way, in addition to app to control anxiety, there are countless others that are focused on health. 

It is possible to find apps that help the user in terms of food and control of physical activities, for example. As is the case with the Healthy Recipes and Samsung Health apps.

Samsung Health is an application that records the physical activities performed by the user. In addition, the app also has several exercise tips and brings important information, such as your sleep quality. Another highlight is the calculation of calories lost and consumed by the app.

The Healthy Recipes app is perfect for anyone who wants to eat better in a practical way. In this way, this app is ideal for people who have little time to cook. It offers several practical recipes to make. Thus, it helps the user to eat healthier, with ingredients found in every kitchen.

Final thoughts on the application to control anxiety

use a app to control anxiety it's a great way to keep calm in times when the crisis hits. Especially considering that understanding more about the subject can help you lessen the symptoms.

It is worth remembering once again, however, that although the use of a app to control anxiety can help you alleviate the symptoms of the disease, it does not dispense with the need for medical treatment. 

There are several options for health applications, as we have already mentioned, however, they only serve to assist the user in their treatment. In case you still don't have a diagnosis, seek a trusted psychologist.

Don't be afraid to start your treatment. Remember that it is normal to experience moments of emotional instability. The treatment serves to ensure that you recover or achieve a higher and healthier quality of life.

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