Bones were used to preserve meat 420,000 years ago: understand
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Bones were used to preserve meat 420,000 years ago: understand

With each passing day, new discoveries are happening. Bones were used to preserve meat 420,000 years ago: understand.


The act that happened all these years ago is the storage and preservation of meat through bones.

Until then, researchers believed that our ancestors did not keep any kind of food. However, this thought completely changed after this great discovery, the most curious in the world.


But for you, who were curious to know more about the way in which our ancestors kept meat, continue reading this article, which will provide you with all the information you should know.


This curious novelty about our ancestors was discovered from several studies.

But they came to this conclusion after analyzing a cave, known as Qesem, which is located very close to Tel Aviv, which is a city on the coast of Israel.

For science, and all related studies, this discovery is very recent, as the place where all the evidence of such an act was, was discovered only 15 years ago. And for the whole study to be done, for them to come to the conclusion that our ancestors stored food, it took a long time.

This storage, which we refer to, was extremely important, as they could leave their meat preserved for a long time.

The period in which it was conserved could go on average, up to 2 months, which is a lot, if we take into account that at that time there was no refrigerator, or any type of technology, to help them.


As we said, for researchers to come to such a conclusion, it took a long time for studies and research.

But we will summarize this whole process in this article topic.

Thus, you will be able to know several curiosities of how everything is done.

The data that will be presented below, came from a totally respected source, for presenting important data, in a totally informative way, which is the BBC.

So that they could conclude this fact, about 80 thousand bones were examined, in which 78% of them, presented a similar cut.

And just reinforcing what has already been said, the research was done in the Qesem cave.

These bone fragments were taken for a detailed analysis, in which all the details present were seen.

Thus, they came to the conclusion that our ancestors stored the bones, and later, when they tried to remove the membranes present in the same, when already dry, and then, such marks, were registered.


This is a doubt that must have arisen, in several people, when they read that in the past, only the bones were stored.

But there is a very logical explanation for this fact.

In fact, the bones that were kept for later consumption were the marrow.

This is because, it contained a large amount of fat, which already sated them, in addition to being rich in nutrients, which already met the needs of a wide variety of foods.


After so much talk about the bones in storage, and everything else, it's interesting that you know who these fragments were.

These remnants were, most of the time, a deer, whose species is Dama dama.

Striking features of such an animal is the long tail. Quite similar to the animal deer.

In addition to this curiosity, there is also another interesting fact.

Our ancestors only conserved the marrow of such an animal, since previously, they consumed the other parts and tissues of the animal.


Among the various surveys, studies and analyzes that were carried out, to carry out the discovery; there is a specific test.

The researchers carried out the same cuts that were previously made by our ancestors, in order to conclude how the consumption of bones was done, which were used to preserve meat 420,000 years ago.

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