Retirement calculator: find out how much time is left to retire - The Most Curious in the World
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Retirement Calculator: Find out how long it takes to retire

A retirement calculator It's one of the best ways to find out how many years are left before you can retire. Whether by age or even working time, you'll know exactly how much time is left.


There are thousands of Brazilians who already enjoy the benefit and you could be next. Many times we don't know how many years we still need to work to get a pension and receive the monthly amount from the government.

If you want to know the exact time you will still need to work to achieve retirement, keep reading this article until the end.


Retirement Calculator: Find out how long it takes to retire

Learn more about the INSS retirement calculator

One of the most advantageous benefits of using the retirement calculator is that the process is done online 100% and you can make the appointment from anywhere. The information is based on INSS data, so you can check exactly what you need.

Did you know there is an app for that? And you can even download it on your cell phone. Later we will explain the step by step.

Thanks to technology, nowadays, we can access valuable information, in addition to making requests and procedures from public bodies using apps, as is the case, for example, of retirement calculator. 

This application has valuable functions that will help you better understand your retirement, in addition to planning for the future.

It is worth noting that the values presented are the basis for calculation and do not guarantee access to the benefit, as it may vary according to each case.

Who can use the retirement calculator?

A retirement calculator has free access for any user who registers and accesses the Meu INSS application. That way, you just have to access and inform your period worked and then your retirement situation will appear. The service is completely free and you can consult it at any time.

In this app you will also find other information related to the worker, such as FGTS, benefits, information about skills, among others. Even after using the retirement calculator, we recommend that you always keep it on your mobile.

How to calculate your retirement online

Just download the official INSS app and do your calculation for free using some data. For this, it is only necessary to have access to the internet, in addition to having the information of your personal documents in hand.

It is worth remembering that this process is fast, it only takes a few minutes and you can download the result in PDF format, in addition to sharing it with whoever you want.

My INSS and Retirement Calculator app: learn how to download

The can be downloaded on Android or iOS mobile and you can do it today. See how to download:

  1. First, go to your app store and search for My INSS
  2. Then download the app and log in.
  3. Click on “What you need” and then write: Simulate Retirement
  4. The app will ask you for some data, such as, for example, the employment relationship, date of birth, in addition to other information.
  5. Finally, just click Calculate. From there, the app will show you the result.
  6. Remember: this result can be shared in PDF.

Note: The result of the calculation made by the application does not guarantee the right to retirement, they are just calculations. To apply for retirement, it is necessary to comply with the complete procedure. Access the official INSS portal and learn how to make your retirement request correctly.

Retirement by Age: 2021, 2022 and 2023

As the new table made available, the minimum age to apply for retirement has increased. For men, the minimum age is 65 years and contribution time of 15.

For women, however, in 2021 the age was 61 years old, in 2022 61.5 years old, already in 2023, 62 years old. In addition to the 15 years of contribution.

It is worth remembering that the changes are valid for those who reached the age in the year 2021. If you reached the age in 2020, the valid criteria are those that were in force before.

Is it worth having the My INSS app on your cell phone?

Whereas the app is free and you can download it quickly and simply. We recommend that you download it and take the opportunity to keep track of your working life information.

If you still have doubts about it, know that you can still consult the official government portal and have access to the main information you need. It is still possible to speak directly with a service chat, where one of the available attendants can explain you better about dates, deadlines, etc.

 After consulting the app, if you prove that there is wrong information, visit one of the INSS agencies or contact us by phone. 

As we know that the service can fail to pass on the correct information. If your doubts persist, look for a lawyer specializing in social security law.

Ah, an important reminder! If you haven't yet consulted the information about your PIS, know that in the Meu INSS app, you can do this in a very practical way, just needing to login.

And if you like to stay on top of apps that can help you keep track of important information about work, health, etc., be sure to visit our category dedicated to the topic

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