Is Shopee Trustworthy? Buy safely with these tips - The Most Curious in the World
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Is Shopee Trustworthy? Shop safely with these tips

The market is multiplying, the rules between consumers and companies are changing very fast. The question is: shopee is reliable


Find out below, 6 tips for safe shopping on the Singapore-based sales platform. The advice is not limited to a specific market, but it is the best method to avoid future headaches.

1. Beware of Exaggerated Values

We all know that sales platforms offer many business opportunities, but the best thing is to be aware of “unreal” prices. E-commerce companies that sell third-party products, such as the Shopee application, follow the guidelines of the Marco Civil da Internet, which provides exemption for retailers to advertise illegal products or copyright infringement.


To avoid problems and disappointments, look for similar products on other platforms, this way it is more difficult to be tempted by a product that is overpriced. A shopee is reliable but we need to pay attention.

Even paying little, when we buy a product that is sold as “legitimate”, we expect to get a quality product, but part of the value offered is practically unattainable.

Is Shopee Trustworthy? Shop safely with these tips

2. Are you insecure? Finding Local Sellers

When choosing a product, it is normal to have direct contact with foreign suppliers, but Shopee made room for some Brazilian sellers. When we take into account possible differences, lead times and shipping costs, a local seller or a seller with local stock of products will ship significantly faster.

Another factor to be taken into account is the greater “ease” of contacting the agent in matters of the country, the possible existence of an affiliated CNPJ and the greater “relevance” of filing a lawsuit, if necessary, for any matter related to the transaction.

3. Big brands are safer

The Shopee platform reinforced its offer with products from well-known and recognized brands in the market: such as Philips, Huawei. Due to the consolidation of brands, the risk of acquiring a counterfeit or dubious product is lower, and with the above characteristics, the severity of a lawsuit against a defective product increases. 

Keep reading to see more about it: A shopee is reliable

4. Check the final sale value

Shopee is famous for its “hard hand” prices, completely below market value. This can be a legitimate strategy, but in some cases it can lure consumers into a scam and they may fall prey to some inattention scam. 

In some cases, you may notice the difference between the advertised discounted price and the final offer. The platform stopped looking at values such as shipping, as a total value, without making it very obvious. It is not easy to know whether the shopee is reliable or not, it can only be a system error.

Briefly checking the amount before validating a transaction, especially with a credit card, greatly reduces this type of unpleasant situation. So, from now on, always check the purchase price before finalizing it, and it's also important to pass this tip on to your friends, so it will consequently reduce the chance of them going through boring situations with sales apps.  

5. Calculate the risk of each purchase

One final tip is to get off Singapore's Shoppe platform to buy items that don't exist in the Brazilian market, whether for testing purposes, low prices, or curiosity. 

It is a consumer protection strategy, if we have a problem with 6/10 purchases worth 30 reais, the damage will be much less than if we make a purchase worth 500 reais and have a problem. In addition to the difficulty of solving. 

This is a simple return risk analysis. Doing so, at least until Brazil's rules for all markets are changed, is a way to minimize potential damage and protect yourself.

6. Positive Reviews

It is no longer a good recipe for success to focus on reviews, especially after “farms” have been identified that generate fake reviews to earn money, but ignoring them is definitely a mistake, in most cases there are comments from people who actually bought the product and left their true rating and opinion there.

That's why this advice is definitive, it cannot be the basis of your analysis to decide where to buy your product. On the other hand, a product sold and not evaluated will leave the consumer in the dark. Is the product good? Will it come to my house? What if it's not safe? 

If you're really determined to buy the product, one option is even if it doesn't have reviews, research the seller and see if other items they sell have good reviews, even if they tend to be trending, and even check their response time on chat to consumers.

When you ask yourself if the shopee is reliable and there is still no definitive answer, the best way to protect our money when making digital purchases is to act like a detective. Investigate all possibilities before finalizing the purchase to avoid situations that cause headaches and will probably take time to resolve.

To read more about it, visit this category on our blog. 

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