BEST diet app REVEALED in 2022 - The Most Curious in the World
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BEST diet app RELEASED in 2022

diet app

Diet app? Losing weight is something that people are always looking for. Obesity is one of the diseases of the 21st century that most affects people. This is due to the hyper industrialization of the food sector and forms of food such as fast food, for example. Of course, there are many other factors that helped people become obsessed, but these factors above are some of the examples


But technology came to help and there are several apps that guide and help in this process. Of course, losing weight depends more on you than anything else.

Is there a magic formula to lose weight?

A short answer to this question: there is no magic formula. The question is very simple, you just need to consume less calories than the body spends. Understand the example below:


In a hypothetical scenario, a given body spends 2000 calories to survive. Assuming that this individual takes a walk that day, consuming 1500 calories, the body will have a caloric deficit of 500 calories.

The result of this difference will cause the body to take from the fat stock to compensate, causing weight loss little by little.

Of course, every human being has their own metabolism. Each of us needs x amount of calories and consumes them at y intensity. But overall, this slimming rule applies to all of us.

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How does a diet work?

When dieting, nutritionists perform tests and calculations to determine your basal metabolic rate, to use as a basis for defining your daily caloric expenditure and to have a basis for defining how many calories your body burns for physical activity (when combining diet and training) .

This is the math part of the diet, but as we know that humans are not just logical beings, many diets are perfect on paper but not very applicable to people's lives. This is even more true when people are overweight and decide to start losing weight.

Apps that help with the diet

There is an app that is making waves on iOS and Android. With a record of positive reviews, the diet app gathers precious data for those who need to lose weight. Its name is “Alimente-se – Dieta e Nutrição”, by Leal Apps.

Read on for details and the platform link. That said, the app lets you track your calories consumed and a bunch of other metrics. In addition, it triggers several reminders so you don't forget the stipulated activities.

This app isn't heavy, so it won't consume a lot of space on your mobile device.

To download, just access this link

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