How to put music on WhatsApp status - The Most Curious in the World
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How to put music on whatsapp status

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Putting music on WhatsApp status is a fun way to share your favorite music with friends and family via the messaging app. Plus, it's a great way to express your mood or share a message with a personal touch. Here are the steps to put music on WhatsApp status:


  1. Open the WhatsApp app and tap the status icon in the bottom left corner of the screen.
  2. Tap the camera icon at the top of the screen to add a new status update.
  3. Tap the music icon at the bottom of the screen. This will open your default music app.
  4. Select the song you want to add to your WhatsApp status.
  5. When the music is playing, tap the “Share” button at the bottom of the screen.
  6. Tap “Share as Status” and then tap “Send”.
  7. Your song will now be available as a WhatsApp status for 24 hours. After that period, it will be automatically removed.

In addition to adding music to your WhatsApp status, you can also add text or emojis to give your music more context. To do this, simply tap on the text field at the bottom of the screen and add the desired content. When you're satisfied with your status update, just tap “Send” to share it with your friends.

In short, putting music on WhatsApp status is an easy and fun way to share your favorite music with friends and family via the messaging app. Just follow the steps above to add a song to your WhatsApp status and share it with your contacts.


In addition to adding music to your WhatsApp status, you can also add videos. To do this, just follow the same steps as above, but instead of selecting a song, select a video from your device. When you tap the “Share” button, the “Share as status” option will also be available for videos.

Another option is to add music or videos to your WhatsApp status using third-party apps. There are several apps available on the App Store or Google Play Store that allow you to add music or videos to your WhatsApp status. Some of these apps also offer additional features like being able to add visual effects or subtitles to your videos.

It is important to remember that no matter how you add music or videos to your WhatsApp status, you need to be careful about copyright. Make sure you have permission to use any content you share and respect the terms of use for the platforms you share the content on.

In summary, putting music or videos on WhatsApp status is a great way to share your favorite music or videos with friends and family via the messaging app. You can use your device's default music or video app or a third-party app to add content to your WhatsApp status. Make sure you have permission to use any content you share and respect the terms of use for the platforms you share the content on.