Conquer Your Pension: Complete Guide to the Well-being of the Elderly in Mexico​ - The Most Curious in the World
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Conquer Your Pension: Complete Guide to Elderly Wellbeing in Mexico​

Find out how to access the retirement pension program in Mexico. Ensure your benefit and live with greater peace of mind and well-being


With the new expansion of the program, more citizens are entitled to this financial support. Get informed, prepare your documentation and take the first step towards a safer and more comfortable retirement.

Select your best option below: 

Choose one of the options above and you will be redirected to content on our blog, where we explain how to use and download these applications.

Guarantee Your Pension: Get information and get your benefit without complications.

Navigate the senior pension registration process in Mexico simply and effectively. With our guide, you will be aware of all the requirements and steps, ensuring your rights with ease and speed. Do not leave it for later; The well-being you deserve is within your reach.


65 y more

“65 y más” is a Mexican program that offers pensions for the elderly, promoting dignity and financial support in old age.

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Beyond the Pension: Discover Other Benefits of the '65 y más' Program

“65 y más” goes beyond simple financial support. This program embraces the cause of seniors by offering a variety of benefits that enrich their daily lives. From specialized healthcare, cultural activities, to essential services, discover how this program expands the horizon of benefits for the Mexican senior population.

See also other benefits!

Opportunities Program

The Oportunidades program provides direct financial support to low-income families in exchange for fulfilling commitments, which are to keep children attending school regularly and receiving adequate health care.

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Common questions:

The “65 y Más” benefit is aimed at people aged 65 or over who are in a situation of economic vulnerability and do not receive other social security benefits.

You can sign up for the “65 y Más” program by going to one of the program’s service centers, generally located in municipalities and cities in Mexico

Documents generally required include an official identity document (INE or IFE), proof of address, proof of income or economic situation, and other documents that may be requested by the competent authorities.

The benefit amount may vary and is determined based on the beneficiary's financial situation. Program authorities evaluate income and other circumstances before determining the benefit amount.

The benefit is generally paid monthly. The payment method may vary, but can be made via deposit into a bank account or pickup at a designated location.

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