How to Access and Obtain the 65 y Más Benefit - The Most Curious in the World
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How to Access and Obtain the 65 y More Benefit

Social programs aimed at supporting the elderly population are essential in many countries, and Mexico is no exception. The “65 y Más” program is a Mexican government initiative that offers financial benefits to people aged 65 or over in situations of economic vulnerability. In this article, we will explore how to access and obtain this important benefit.


Benefício 65 y Más is a Mexican government social assistance program designed to help elderly people aged 65 and over in vulnerable situations. To access and obtain this benefit, interested parties generally need to register with the competent authorities, such as the Secretariat for Social Development (SEDESOL) or the Instituto Nacional de las Personas Adultas Mayores (INAPAM). It is important to provide documentation that proves your age and economic situation, as well as meeting the eligibility criteria established by the program.

Step 1: Check the Requirements

The first step to accessing the “65 y Más” benefit is to check whether you meet the requirements established by the program. Generally, the main criteria include:


  1. Be 65 years of age or older.
  2. Being in a situation of economic vulnerability, that is, having an income below a certain limit established by the program.
  3. Not receiving other social security benefits, such as retirement or pension

Step 2: Registration in the Program

Once you have confirmed that you meet the requirements, the next step is to register for the “65 y Más” Program. You can do this by going to one of the program's fulfillment centers, which are generally located in towns and cities throughout Mexico.

Step 3: Required Documentation

When registering, you will need to present a series of documents to prove your identity and financial situation. These documents may include:

  1. Official identity document, such as INE or IFE.
  2. Proof of residence.
  3. Proof of income or economic situation.
  4. Other documents that may be requested by the competent authorities.

It is important to check the necessary documents in advance to ensure you are prepared when registering.

Step 4: Registration Assessment

After registering, the program will assess your financial situation and determine whether you meet the criteria to receive the benefit. This assessment may take some time, so it is important to be patient during the process.

Step 5: Receiving the Benefit

If your registration is approved, you will start receiving the “65 y Más” benefit regularly. The amount and payment method may vary, therefore it is important to check specific information with the competent authorities or on the program's official website.

In summary, the “65 y Más” benefit is an important initiative by the Mexican government to support elderly people in situations of economic vulnerability. By following the steps above and checking the latest information on the program's official website, you will be on your way to accessing and obtaining this vital benefit in Mexico. 

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