Brazil aid of R$ 750 in 2023: how to receive it - The Most Curious in the World
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Brazil aid of R$ 750 in 2023: how to receive it


The economic team of the then-elected Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PDT) is already studying a new measure that could allow Brazil Aid of R$ 750 in 2023. The amount is the sum of the fixed benefit of R$ 600 plus the bonus of R$ 150 for each child up to the age of six.


Check out more details in the Mais Curioso article. It is worth noting that the measure is still being planned by the government's transition team.

According to press reports, the possibility of merging three different legal instruments is already beginning to be analyzed. Together, they would increase the chances of increasing the expenses foreseen for the next year in the Annual Budget Law Project (PLOA), prioritizing the fulfillment of the government proposals of the workers' party.


That said, the Proposal for an Amendment to the Constitution (PEC) for the transition is in preparation. The purpose of the text is to authorize the expansion of expenses desired by the president's team.

CNH for free: how to participate in the benefit

Brazil Aid 2023

O bill must be negotiated with the Legislative Power, but the vote in the Federal Senate must begin after the analysis of the measure's impact on the financial market.

Another alternative for the implementation of the Brazil Aid of R$ 750 in 2023 is to negotiate the reallocation of the amendments of the budget rapporteurs. The objective is to persuade parliamentarians to abandon the projects presented and replace them with the priorities indicated by the future government.

The last debate concerns the guarantee for the release of extraordinary loans in 2023, whose feasibility can be made under the Provisional Measure (MP). Brazil Aid of R$ 750 will be renamed in 2023

The probability of Bolsa Família 2023 becoming a reality is high given the victory of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva in the second round of the 2022 elections.

Bolsa Família gave way to the current Auxílio Brasil of R$ 750, which did not satisfy the president-elect at all. Therefore, he promises not only to resume the old income transfer in 2023, but also to continue paying the current amount of R$ 600. An extra benefit of R$ 150 for children up to six years old was also mentioned.

To receive the benefit it is necessary to be in CADÚNICO.