Discover the best sleeping apps - The Most Curious in the World
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Discover the best sleeping apps

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APPLICATION – One of the best things in the world is sleeping, right? It's hard to find a human being who doesn't like to take that nap, rested and light. After all, sleep is fundamental to our health and the well-being of life. Experts, for example, recommend sleeping for 8 hours a day.


But, many people have trouble sleeping, some even suffer from the famous insomnia. Several of them report that when they lay their heads on the pillow, millions of thoughts start to turmoil and end up having a lot of difficulty sleeping.

But, the technology is there and it came to help those who have this problem. So keep reading to check out technologies and apps that help you sleep.


Is the app the best way to help you sleep?

It is important to point out that the applications that will be listed below do not replace the opinion of a specialized doctor, much less should they be done exclusively without at least one consultation with professionals. These apps will complement this “war” to improve your health.

So check out the options below:


If you want to know how you slept, the Sleep Cycle app is for you. It tracks your sleep patterns and gives you tips for optimizing your nap time. Plus, it has an alarm clock that gently wakes you up when you're in the lightest phase of sleep, so you wake up refreshed.

Keep in mind that no sleep tracker is 100% accurate; so if you're really struggling with sleep, you may need to see a sleep specialist.

This app is free for iOS or Android.

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"Accuracy can be an issue here because you don't have a sensor physically on your body, but it can still give you clues about your sleep," says Michael J. Breus, Ph.D., clinical psychologist and fellow of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine.


This app is fantastic. Well, it is responsible for providing a very intuitive interface, with other words it means that it is a totally user-friendly application.

As the platform in question can be installed on all smartphones whose server is Android or IOS (only on Iphones), the platform in question does not require an amount to be paid. unless you opt for the premium model.

The plan in question costs just R$ 11.90 per month. But of course, you can stick with the free options.

When you access it, you will have access to a sound of foliage that is more intense the closer you are to the center of the screen.

available here

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