Application to measure pressure by cell phone: learn how to use it! - The Most Curious in the World
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Application to measure pressure by cell phone: learn how to use it!

.Measure the pressure It's a very important activity that helps you learn more about your body, in addition to identifying problems in advance, since constant measurement creates a personalized history for each person. To help in this task nothing better than a help from technology. Thinking about it, in this post we will introduce you to the application to measure pressure by cell phone.


A survey carried out by the body responsible for the National Health Survey in 2019 pointed out that about 38 million people in Brazil suffer from high blood pressure. These data also indicated that age is certainly one of the reasons that most influence hypertension. 

First, we point out that measure the pressure it is often really important for all ages, however, for people over 75 years of age, for example, this follow-up requires more attention, because the indices indicate that, on average, 62% of the population suffers from high blood pressure in this age group. That is, more than half, a worrying result.


Application to measure pressure by cell phone: learn how to use it!

After all, what does it mean to “measure” blood pressure?

Popularly known by the term “measuring pressure”, a expressão correta para esta ação,é, na verdade, ‘aferir' a pressão. Isso quer dizer que é feita uma verificação para analisar qual a pressão que o sangue possui dentro das artérias enquanto corre por ela. A força dessa pressão é determinada de acordo com os batimentos cardíacos realizados ao bombear o sangue. 

Thus, when the result shows an altered value, it means that the person currently has high or low blood pressure. In some cases, this can signal the presence of diseases, such as, for example, hypertension. 

What can and cannot be done before measuring blood pressure 

So that the result of your measurement is not affected due to any action, follow the tips that we have listed below talking about what you should and should not do before measure the pressure

  • 1 – preferably, measure during the morning, still fasting;
  • 2 – if you feel like peeing, do it before taking the measurement;
  • 3 – do not take the measurement while you are under the influence of drinks or cigarettes. This can affect the result;
  • 4 – do not perform physical exertion or activities that cause fatigue, such as running. Wait about 5 minutes before measure the pressure;
  • 5 – do not cross your legs when measure the pressure. This position can compromise the result, as it increases the pressure;
  • 6 – ao measure the pressure, avoid talking; 

In conclusion, these tips will help you to measure the pressure more assertively, however, they need to be followed correctly to prevent pressure changes from happening, which can give a wrong opinion of your health. 

measure the pressure right way is essential, especially if you already present a picture of alteration or related illnesses. In addition, it is worth remembering that follow-up care needs to be redoubled in specific cases, such as, for example, during prenatal care. 

Have one cell phone blood pressure app allows the user to take his own measurement, and even monitor his health from anywhere, that is, no excuses for not taking care of himself!

It is worth emphasizing, however, that the cell phone blood pressure app It is only intended to aid in medical treatment, not replace it.

Indication of application to measure pressure by cell phone

There are numerous app options in the category capable of helping you take care of your health, but, among them all, we suggest one of the highlights, the Blood Pressure Monitor

Other health app options

besides the cell phone blood pressure app, there are still many other useful ones to help in different cases. Thus, with advances in technology, it is increasingly possible to take care of health using applications as a tool. 

Each application has different functions according to its purpose. In this text, for example, we address the cell phone blood pressure app, but, in addition, we can also mention those used to control medication and vaccines, and, of course, diet.

Other popular applications are certainly those for monthly monitoring of the menstrual cycle, exercises and training. In addition to those offered by health plans, which in most cases provide the user with important information.It is also worth highlighting other options such as, for example, apps to control daily water consumption, anxiety, etc.

Health apps, the greatest allies for your day to day

Health apps, such as cell phone blood pressure app they serve to assist the user in the monitoring and care of his health or even in a specific treatment. 

In addition, one of the main functions of these applications is certainly the storage of information, which is very useful for your medical appointments, because they store data accurately and in great detail. 

Another advantage, of course, is the language.Applications in this category usually use simple language, as they aim to ensure that the user can understand its operation and understand the results without great difficulty. 

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