Free Basic Basket Aid: find out how to receive it - The Most Curious in the World
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Free Basic Basket Aid: find out how to receive it

A list with an average of 4,655 thousand citizens who were contemplated with the Basic Basket Aid was made available on the SPS (Secretariat for Social Protection, Justice, Citizenship, Women and Human Rights) website for consultation.


These new beneficiaries join the list of those who have already been covered by the benefit, which gives us a total of 22,834 thousand citizens supported by the benefit. O Basic Basket Aid will provide the value of R$200 which will be paid in two installments in the amount of R$100, through a food card.

Socorro França, the person responsible for SPS made a statement in which she stated that the process of Basic Basket Aid, it is a daily and continuous task. Depending on the volume of registrations, the technicians check the information, in addition to analyzing and processing the registered data. 


Basic basket aid released: find out how to receive it

The publicity list of citizens contemplated by the Basic Basket Aid will be made available as this analysis is carried out. The objective of this action, planned by the Government of Ceará, is to minimize the losses in the income of workers, as a result of the pandemic. 

O Basic Basket Aid will cost around R$30 million for the coffers of the Government of Ceará. This action is one more belonging to the state's contingency plan, which also includes other distribution initiatives, such as, for example, exemption on energy and water bills and Vale Gás Social.

Additional information about the Basic Basket Aid

A food card will be made available by the Government of Ceará whose main objective is to support families whose income is compromised due to the pandemic. The aid seeks to help around 150,000 families with a meal ticket worth R$200, which will be released in two installments of R$100.

How to consult your Basic Basket Aid

If you want to consult the grant list of the Basic Basket Aid, just click here.

It is worth remembering that registration for the benefit was closed on June 30, however, the SPS continues to analyze the list of subscribers. If your registration is still under review, you can edit the information.

Who is entitled to receive the Basic Basket Aid?

Citizens supported by the aid are those who depend on some flow of movement, usually in city centers, to maintain their homes. For example, school transport drivers, street vendors, street vendors, taxi drivers, motorcycle taxi drivers, tour guides, buggy drivers, transit document dispatchers, application drivers, etc.

Registration is carried out by SPS through the Information and Social Indicators System (SISSPS). On the platform, it is possible to verify the data entered and also if the subscribers fit the requirements of Decree nº 34.040, of April 20, 2021.

What are the requirements for granting the Basic Basket Aid?

The citizen who wants to be entitled to the benefit, before signing up, needs to verify that he meets the main requirements:

  • Carry out one of the aforementioned activities, and prove it with the statement of a union/association or public or professional body, through a document, where it attests that the exercise of the activity is allowed or through another form of proof of the activity, such as, for example , declarations of contractors and photos;
  • Be a resident of the state of Ceará; 
  • Be aged 18 years or older;


Professionals who:

  • They already receive some assistance or social security benefit;
  • Receive unemployment insurance;
  • With the exception of the Bolsa Família Program and the Emergency Aid Program, they are receiving from a federal income transfer program;
  • Exercise employment, position, or public function in government;
  • Have been contemplated by the Financial Aid to Unemployed Professionals for the Bars, Restaurants and Related Sector.

the program of Basic Basket Aid has a kind of “tie-breaker”, which will be used if the volume of subscribers that fit the determined conditions exceeds 150 thousand people.


In this case, priority will be given to beneficiaries who meet the following requirements:

  • Professionals who are providers of a single parent family (single mother or father);
  • Who have children of school age, duly enrolled in an educational institution;
  • Are a professional with a disability;
  • Are 60 years of age or older;
  • Are indigenous, quilombola or gypsy;
  • Have more time of activity in the sector of performance.

How to enroll in the program

To register, the professional only needs to access the SPS website. Entering the address, on the right, you will see a banner with the words Auxílio Cesta Básica, just above the news. Clicking here, you will have access to the link to register and consult the main information about the Basic Basket Aid

If you still have any questions regarding the Basic Basket Aid, know that you can access the official portal of the government of Ceará and check the complete information about the program, as well as the requirements for professionals in the categories that were mentioned to be contemplated.

To make your query, Click here and go to the SPS website. If you want to speak directly with the service, still on the website, you can still get in touch through the chat. To do so, just click on this link here

It is also possible to get in touch through social networks, through spsceara on Facebook or Instagram.