Auxílio Brasil and Vale-gás have THESE changes in 2023 - The Most Curious in the World
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Auxílio Brasil and Vale-gás have THESE changes in 2023

Brazil Aid

The victory of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) yesterday (30), puts the effectiveness of the Auxílio Brasil and Vale-Gás program at risk?. Both programs were presented in the Bolsonaro Government, paying installments of R$ 600 and R$ 110, respectively.


Here at Mais Curioso, you will understand some changes to social benefits for 2023. Keep reading.

It is worth remembering that Auxílio Brasil and Vale-Gás are connected, since the benefit for the purchase of the gas cylinder is only paid to those who are part of the payroll of the Bolsa Família substitute, the Auxílio Brasil. Yesterday, in a press conference, after Lula's victory, he said that the program will return to its original name, Bolsa Família.


According to the Executive Branch, the amounts paid by Auxílio Brasil and Vale-Gás are currently temporary, that is, they may decrease in 2023. With the institution of the PEC of Benefits, an increase of R$ 200 in the transfer of income to the vulnerable was authorized , in addition to the increase from 50% to 100% in the national average price of a 13kg gas cylinder in Brazil.

DISCLOSED new emergency aid of R$ 1 thousand

Safe Brazil aid until the end of the year?

The two aids are assured, at least, until December 2022. After all, the president-elect has already mentioned the intention to resume the Bolsa Família in 2023. On the other hand, nothing was said about the aid for the purchase of the canister. There will likely be a mix of social programs out there…

But, bearing in mind that Auxílio Brasil and Vale-Gás are connected, it is understood that the end of the main income transfer also results in the extinction of the benefit for the purchase of the gas cylinder.

Furthermore, it is necessary to wait for the PT to take office in January 2023.

Only then will the president-elect announce his economic and social policy portfolio. So far, there is no disclosure about Lula's government ministers for 2023.