Auxilío Brasil will have 13th in 2023: know everything about it
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Auxilío Brasil will have 13th in 2023: find out all about it

Brazil Aid

If elected, the government of Jair Bolsonaro intends to pay the 13th installment of the Brazil Aid. That is, an extra installment for the beneficiaries. According to the current chief executive, the measure must be announced in detail before the second round of presidential elections. Continue reading to find out more details.


Bolsonaro said that the purpose of this proposal is to benefit families in the program headed by women. The portfolio responsible intends to formalize the payment of the bonus before October 30, which is when the next head of state will be decided, which will be decided between Lula (PT) and Bolsonaro (PL).

Will it be R$ 600 in 2023?

It's not decided. But the president stated that he intends to continue at R$ 600. This does not mean that it will be so. The reason is the Project of the Annual Budget Law (PLOA) of 2023, presented in the National Congress. So, in this project, the cash transfer program amount is R$ 400.


In addition, in 2023, the amount of the Brazil Aid, with an increase of R$ 200, was authorized after the approval of a Proposed Amendment to the Constitution, the so-called PEC. The document recognized the state of emergency in the country until the end of this year, driven mainly by the rise in fuel prices. The measure was criticized by many, for supposedly being an electoral measure.

Bolsonaro stated that the R$ 600 of the Brazil and emergency aid will also be paid next year. According to him, the origin of the money (subsidies) will come from the taxation of profits and dividends of Brazilians who receive more than R$ 400 thousand per month. Something that has also been defended by Paulo Guedes, his Minister of Economy.

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How does Help Brazil work?

Before it was the famous Bolsa Familia. Now, Auxílio Brasil integrates several public policies for social assistance, health, education, employment and income into a single program. The new social program for direct and indirect income transfer is aimed at families living in poverty and extreme poverty throughout the country. In addition to guaranteeing a basic income for these families, the program seeks to simplify the basket of benefits and encourage the emancipation of these families so that they achieve autonomy and overcome situations of social vulnerability.

Auxílio Brasil is coordinated by the Ministry of Citizenship, which is responsible for managing the program’s benefits and sending funds for payment.