How do I know if I am entitled to maternity aid? Find out now - The Most Curious in the World
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How do I know if I am entitled to maternity aid? find out now

How do I know if I am entitled to maternity aid? find out now

O maternity aid it is one of the most requested benefits in the country, being granted to women with newborn children. However, the program is paid for who is a contributor to the INSS.


However, the service is also extended to other cases such as court-allowed abortions and adoptions. Although, there are some rules to have the aid approved and, for that, future mothers need to be aware.

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Therefore, find out in the following content if you are entitled to maternity aid, how to make the entry and what is foreseen in the program. See even what is needed to enter the application. 

What is maternity aid?

This benefit is granted for a monthly fee to women with newborn children. However, the worker must contribute to the INSS to have access to the salary. 

How do I know if I am entitled to maternity aid? find out now
How do I know if I am entitled to maternity aid? Find out now / Image Credits pixabay

However, some people have questions about how to apply and who can apply for maternity aid. Still, It is important to know that maternity pay is paid for a period, usually six months. 

How to apply for the benefit?

In the past, the worker needed to go to an INSS post to file the application. However, with the advancement of technology, it is possible to do everything Internet and without having to leave the house. 

Therefore, you need to follow these steps with the documentation:

  • personal documents;
  • certificate in case of absence from work within 28 days before delivery;
  • for adoption, it is necessary to present the term of custody;
  • child's birth certificate in all cases provided for the benefit;
  • proof of contribution time.

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However, the request can be made through the INSS application to android It is iOS. For that, you follow the step by step below:

  • open the application and click on “New order”;
  • fill in the data correctly and do the Login;
  • go to the option “Salary-Maternity”;
  • accept the authorization term and proceed to complete the order.

Who is entitled to maternity aid?

Any worker who fits the benefit rules can claim maternity pay. However, the following requirements must be met:

  • women who work with a formal contract;
  • individual contributors;
  • unemployed;
  • maids;
  • rural workers;
  • spouses or partners in the event of the death of the holder.

However, the benefit is granted within 45 days, however, it can take up to three months depending on the location of the beneficiary. However, it is possible to track the order directly in the INSS application.

How much does the benefit pay?

The base amount for payment cannot be less than the minimum wage. That is, if the worker earns less than allowed, will benefit from the average salary in Brazil. 

However, women who work with a formal contract, will receive the full amount of the month's salary. For those who are individual contributors, they will receive according to the percentage they contribute to the INSS.

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