How to win free digital antenna kit 2022 - The Most Curious in the World
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How to win free digital antenna kit 2022

free digital antenna kit

Need a free digital antenna kit?


The Executive Branch has just announced that the free digital antenna kit is now available. The National Telecommunications Agency (Anatel) will manage the distribution of kits to families that meet the requirements. This means that new equipment will come to capture a more modern signal for the televisions of Brazilian workers.

According to Anatel, the objective is to continue guaranteeing a good set of audiovisual content on open channels for millions of people. This novelty will be made because conventional satellite dishes will stop working with the arrival of 5G technology in Brazil.


Who can win the free digital antenna kit?

First of all, it is worth remembering that everyone who has the old satellite dish will have to replace it at one time or another. But this transition will happen gradually, as 5G is not yet present in every corner of the country. So far, the technology has reached only 12 Brazilian capitals. Check which ones:

  1. Brasilia;
  2. Belo Horizonte;
  3. João Pessoa;
  4. Porto Alegre;
  5. São Paulo;
  6. Curitiba;
  7. Goiania;
  8. Savior;
  9. Rio de Janeiro;
  10. Victory;
  11. Florianópolis; It is
  12. Clap.

It is also worth remembering that for you to win this kit, there are some fundamental requirements, which are:

  • Be enrolled in CadÚnico;
  • Be included in some social benefit that has CadÚnico as an extension;
  • Have a satellite dish already installed.

Furthermore, the kits will only be installed for residents of the capitals listed above. In light of this, whoever lives in one of the 12 cities that have already received 5G can apply the digital antenna kit. Also according to Anatel, residents of Fortaleza, Natal and Campo Grande can also request an antenna replacement, but the criteria are still the same.

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Anatel inspection

The agency disclosed that a professional appraiser will be sent to install the new antenna. But, before doing that, that employee will assess whether the family is fit to the requirements of switching attention. Check the cases that the antenna kit are denied:

  • Those who fail to comply with any of the aforementioned requirements;
  • Houses that have a digital antenna, known as a “fishbone”;
  • Houses that have cable TV;
  • Houses that have a satellite dish, but it is not connected to the television or is damaged.

How to order the free kit?

If you are sure you are ready to receive the digital antenna kit, with free installation by Anatel (Government), someone from the family group needs to make the request by phone or via the internet. The first way is by contacting Anatel by number 0800 729 2404.

Online ordering works like this:

  1. Go to the site Siga Antenado (channel for information on changing equipment);
  2. Open the menu located in the upper left corner;
  3. Click on “Free kits distribution program” and then on “Schedule here”;
  4. When redirected, choose which identification will be used (CPF or NIS);
  5. Enter the chosen registration number and answer the questionnaire;
  6. Select the day and time for the installation of the free digital antenna kit.

Done, that's just waiting for the technician to do the installation.

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