BPC: how to apply for benefit online - O Mais Curioso do Mundo
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BPC: how to apply for benefit online


The Continuous Cash Benefit (BPC) is an INSS aid that differs from retirement. In Brazil, many people are entitled to this benefit, which consists of paying a minimum wage. However, many fail to receive it because they are unaware of the necessary procedures to request it.


The BPC is a monthly financial transfer intended for people who meet the requirements established by law. In fact, the BPC is regulated by law and has as one of its objectives the promotion of a better quality of life for the elderly and people with disabilities.

In this text, we will present the complete context of the BPC, from its definition to the criteria required to apply for the benefit at the Social Assistance Reference Center (CRAS) in the city where the person resides. To receive the aid, it is essential that the person has an active registration with the Federal Government, as will be explained in the next topic.


How does BPC work?

The BPC is a social assistance benefit that does not require a contribution to the INSS, therefore, it is not a retirement and is not part of Social Security. Does not include 13th salary or pension for dependents in case of death. Furthermore, it cannot be combined with other government benefits. Eligibility requirements include financial condition and age of the elderly or disabled person.

Can you receive?

The requirements to receive the Benefit of Continued Benefit (BPC) are simple: the person must be older than 65 years old or have a disability. In addition, it is necessary to prove the inability to provide for your own maintenance or that of your family. These requirements are cumulative.

To be entitled to the BPC, it is necessary to prove age or disability, as well as the need for the benefit. Verification of requirements is carried out by the National Institute of Social Security (INSS), while payment is made by the Federal Government, through Caixa Econômica Federal.

It is important to highlight that the rules and requirements for requesting the BPC were not affected by the Social Security Reform, that is, they remain the same.

BPC for people with disabilities

In addition to the limit of ¼ of the minimum wage per family member, the disabled person must undergo a medical evaluation at the INSS. Therefore, the process changes a little in relation to the elderly. The person with a disability needs to prove their state of incapacity for work.

As in the previous case, there are other decisive factors here as well. This is the case of the historical analysis of disability, economic need, level of service provision, situations of vulnerability, and others.

What kind of illness entitles you to BPC?

There are several diseases that give people with disabilities the right to BPC, such as tuberculosis, leprosy, neoplasia, some types of alienation, blindness, paralysis, Parkinson's disease and heart disease. For those who have illnesses that disable daily activities, it is worth consulting the list of those that are in the BPC.

What is the value of BPC?

BPC pays a minimum wage, therefore R$ 1,302. It is worth remembering that there are two categories of BPC beneficiaries, one for people with disabilities without an established minimum age and the other for seniors aged 65 and over.

With this, regardless of whether you are an elderly person or a person with a disability, there will be an adjustment in the value of the benefit whenever there is an update of the value of the Brazilian minimum wage.

In addition, the value does not change according to illness or age. Therefore, an elderly person aged 65 years will receive the same minimum wage as an elderly person over 80 years old, provided that both are entitled to the BPC. For people with disabilities, the value of the benefit is one minimum wage, regardless of the CID.

How to order the BPC?

The initial process to apply for the Continuous Provision Benefit (BPC), as long as the person is eligible, is to attend the Social Assistance Reference Center (CRAS) in your city. The CRAS are units linked to the secretariats and city halls that work with social assistance in the municipalities.

With the help of public service professionals, it is possible to register or update the registration in the Single Registry (CadÚnico). This database, maintained by the Federal Government, is used to identify and classify beneficiaries of various social programs, including the BPC.

How long does it take to receive the BPC after approval?

The deadline for receiving payment for the Continued Benefit Benefit (BPC) is up to 45 days after approval of the request. If the responsible body requests an extension of the deadline for further analysis, the time limit can be extended to 90 days.

However, in the specific case of the BPC for people with disabilities, the deadline may be extended due to the need for prior scheduling of the INSS Medical Expertise. This step may not be fast, which ends up extending the waiting time for the benefit. For more information, it is possible to get in touch for free through the number 135, which is the INSS direct service channel.

For this reason, it is extremely important that the documents are sent correctly when registering in government programs. Thus, the government will be able to verify the urgency of approval, also taking into account the number of requests it receives.

Is there any BPC application?

Yes, it is possible to obtain information about the benefit through MY INSS or the INSS website at no cost. Phone 135 can also be used to request information, as well as physical INSS units.

In addition, the Social Assistance Reference Center (CRAS) is a useful communication channel for those who still do not receive the Benefit of Continued Provision (BPC) and other social programs. At CRAS, it is possible to obtain assistance and information, as well as to have the benefit approved, as long as it is in accordance with the current rules and is entitled to it.