Clearing name via the Serasa app - The Most Curious in the World
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Clearing name via Serasa application

The process of clearing your name at Serasa is an opportunity to reorganize your finances and recover credit in the market.


Understand the steps below and then a button will release for you to be sent to the platform to be ok with your debts.

Credit Status Check


Initially, you need to access the Serasa website or app to understand which debts are registered in your name. It is essential to carry out this check regularly, as in addition to maintaining control over your finances, it helps to identify possible fraud.

Debt Negotiation

Serasa offers a platform to negotiate debts directly with creditors. Online negotiation facilitates the process, often providing significant discounts. It's important to be realistic about your ability to pay and ensure all agreements are documented.

Clearing your name on Serasa increases your credit score, facilitating access to loans and financing. Furthermore, it contributes to personal and professional well-being, helping with financial planning and preventing future problems.

Who can clear their name on Serasa?

Anyone who has debts in their name registered with Serasa can follow the steps mentioned above to clear their name. Whether you are an individual with personal debt or a company with commercial debt, the process is similar. It is important to be willing to negotiate with creditors and comply with established agreements to be successful in rehabilitating your financial situation.

The app frees you to:
