CNH for free: how to participate in the benefit - The Most Curious in the World
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CNH for free: how to participate in the benefit

driver's license

Who doesn't want a free National Driver's License? It's hard to know which Brazilian doesn't dream of having a CNH. However, the price of the CNH has been increasing more and more and many people are unable to obtain the license.


But, Mais Curioso will present a new benefit that is being launched by the Detran throughout Brazil. CNH Social. Read on to understand the program.

There are two possibilities for interested parties to take the CNH, one of them is the standard one and the other one without fee.


So if you want to get your CNH, but don't have enough money for it, it's worth checking out what the possibilities are, as well as the process to be a candidate.

As stated above, one of the main factors that imply the granting of the CNH is precisely the high value due to the process of issuing the document.

How does it work today?

Currently, to obtain a CNH in just one simple category (A OR B) can cost more than R$ 3 thousand.

Therefore, in addition to all the amount paid for processes related to the driving school, it is still necessary to pay for the practical test, an exam to which Brazilians are entitled to drive.

But if the person fails the practical test, he still has to pay an additional fee. This goes for every reprobation. There are people who are already on their third attempt to get one and still haven't gotten their driver's license.

Due to the double charge, there is a new Law Project (PL) in Congress, which aims to exempt students from this fee. Currently, only Mato Grosso deputies support the possibility.

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Not counting the exclusion of the CNH practical test fee, there is a new program that allows students to be completely exempt from the amounts charged to obtain the license.

We are talking about the CNH Popular program, which aims to make the document available free of charge to low-income people. That is, the program includes all tuition fees for the driving school and the Detran.

In addition to the fee waiver mentioned above, unfortunately not all federal states have the option. However, the number of regions offering CNH Social is already growing. Currently, the states that have the program are:

  1. Paraíba;
  2. Pernambuco;
  3. Roraima;
  4. Bahia;
  5. Ceará;
  6. Rio Grande do Sul;
  7. Large northern river;
  8. Amazon;
  9. Maranhão;
  10. Goiás;
  11. São Paulo;
  12. Minas Gerais;
  13. Ceará.
  14. Holy Spirit;

program requirements

  • be enrolled in CadÚnico (Single Registration);
  • Need to be a beneficiary of social programs;
  • Be between 18 and 25 years old;
  • Have attended and completed high school only in a public school (also allowed for students).

For more information on how to participate, contact the Detran closest to your address.