CNH Social: how to earn benefits in 2023 - The Most Curious in the World
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CNH Social: how to earn benefit in 2023


Despite having received approval from the Chamber of Deputies, it is important to note that the CNH Social program is not managed by the federal government.


That is, the selection of candidates who will be able to obtain a license for free is conducted through state initiatives. If you want to know if you are entitled to the CNH Social benefit in 2023, all the necessary information is available below.

What is CNH Social?

CNH Social is a program approved by the federal government, whose main objective is to offer free driver's licenses to low-income, unemployed people or people who do not have the resources to pay for a driver's license. However, it is important to emphasize that this initiative is local and has specific rules in each region, depending on available resources.


According to information from the magazine Veja SP, the costs for issuing the first copy of the license in categories A (motorcycle) and B (car) can vary from R$ 1,200 to R$ 2,000 in the state of São Paulo, taking into account the tabulated rates and others that are charged individually by driving schools.

The offer of free licenses by the state gives individuals the opportunity to relocate in the job market, since having a permit to drive can be essential to work as a delivery person, application driver, motoboy and in large companies.

Can you receive?

The requirements to apply for the CNH Social 2023 program vary according to the specific rules of each state. Some regions have stricter criteria for selecting new candidates.

In general, to be eligible for the CNH Social 2023 program, it is necessary to meet the following requirements: be over 18 years old, know how to read and write, have a family income of up to half a minimum wage per person, or a total income of up to three minimum wages, be enrolled in the Single Registry, be unemployed and be a resident of the state that is promoting the selection process.

However, it is important to note that some states have more specific rules. For example, to become one of those selected in Espírito Santo and Maranhão, it is necessary to have participated in the National High School Examination (ENEM).

Phases of CNH SOCIAL

The CNH Social 2023 selection process consists of several phases that precede the final stage. During the selection process, candidates are progressively eliminated according to their ability to meet the required requirements or if they have fewer requirements than the others.

At the end of the process, only a portion of the applicants manage to go through all the selection stages. In states managed by the State Traffic Department (DETRAN), the phases are generally as follows:

  1. Registration period.
  2. Submission of documents proving compliance with the requirements.
  3. Theoretical test (after completing class hours).
  4. Practical test (after completing class hours).
  5. Issuance of driving license.

During the document submission period, DETRAN performs the main selection of candidates, analyzing the forms presented to ensure that the number of applicants can be accommodated in the vacancies offered by the state. The criteria used for selection include, but are not limited to:

  1. Application submission order.
  2. Per capita family income.
  3. Unemployment time.
  4. Participation in any social program.
  5. Age.

States that offer the CNH Social

As mentioned, there is still no national law that obliges the DETRAN to create a free driver's license program. Therefore, the beginning of the selection should come from the state government itself.

Currently, they are states that offer CNH Social:

  1. Acre;
  2. Paraíba;
  3. Pará – through the CNH Pai D'égua! program;
  4. Pernambuco;
  5. roraima;
  6. Holy Spirit;
  7. bahia – through the Public Traffic School of the Detran;
  8. Ceará;
  9. Rio Grande do Sul;
  10. large northern river – through the CNH Popular program;
  11. Federal District – through the Social Qualification Program;
  12. amazon;
  13. Maranhao – through the CNH Jovem;
  14. Goias;
  15. Minas Gerais;
  16. Ceará.


To the registration CNH Social 2023 take place exclusively through the state DETRAN portal.

There, candidates must complete their registration form within the specified period, and wait until they are called for the next selection phase.

At that time, you will need to fill out a form with the following information:

  • Full name
  • Age
  • Identification data: CPF and RG
  • Complete address
  • Social Registration Number (NIS)
  • CNH number – if you want to change the category
  • means of contact
  • Family income

Gratuities included in the Social Habilitation program

CNH Social 2023 offers an excellent opportunity for citizens who wish to obtain a driver's license for free. Candidates selected for the vacancies available in the program will be entitled to several gratuities, so they will not have to bear any cost.

Detran's partner driving schools, which offer the program, do not charge any fee from applicants. The institution joins the department to offer the program and receives payment for services directly from the Detran.

Among the gratuities included in the Social Qualification program, the following stand out: the medical exam to assess the physical and mental aptitude of the candidate, the theoretical and practical classes, the theoretical exam with the right to retest in case of disapproval, the practical exam with the right the retest in case of disapproval, the procedure for changing or adding a category to the CNH, as well as issuing the driver's license.