How to Check at the Central Bank if You Have Accounts Receivable - The Most Curious in the World
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How to Check with the Central Bank if You Have Accounts Receivable

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See if you have any amount to receive at BACEN.


In everyday financial life, it is common for several transactions to occur, from paying bills and taxes to receiving compensation and benefits. In the midst of this dynamic, it is possible that amounts to which you are entitled become forgotten, lost among records or even due to administrative errors. To avoid this situation and ensure that you are fully aware of your financial rights, it is essential to know how to check with the Central Bank if there is any amount available in your name.

The Central Bank of Brazil plays a crucial role in regulating and supervising the national financial system, being responsible for various activities, including the management of amounts receivable from citizens. Through its online services, it is possible to access relevant information about outstanding amounts, whether related to taxes, commercial transactions or social benefits.


You may have forgotten money at the Central Bank

On a daily basis, we may often come across situations in which we have amounts to receive, whether from commercial transactions, taxes, compensation or benefits. To ensure that you do not miss any amount to which you are entitled, it is important to know how to check with the Central Bank if there is any amount available in your name. In this article, we will explore the consultation process and highlight its importance.

How to Consult

  1. Access the official website of the Central Bank of Brazil (
  2. On the home page, locate the services section and click on “Consultation of amounts receivable”.
  3. You will be asked to enter some personal information, such as CPF or CNPJ, and other data relevant to the search.
  4. After filling in the necessary fields, click on “Consult” and wait for the search results.


Carrying out this consultation can bring several benefits, including:

  • Recovery of forgotten or unreceived amounts.
  • Identification of possible errors in financial transactions.
  • Opportunity to claim labor, tax rights or other benefits.

Useful Tips

  • Keep your personal documents updated to facilitate searching.
  • Check periodically to see if new amounts are available in your name.
  • If you have any questions or difficulties, please contact the Central Bank for additional support.

Pay attention to the Central Bank's accounts receivable calendar

Checking with the Central Bank whether you have money to receive is an important practice to ensure that you are aware of all your financial rights. Be sure to carry out this check periodically and take advantage of the benefits that may arise. Always remember to keep your data up to date and seek professional advice when necessary.

With this simple guide, we hope to have provided you with the information you need to help you carry out this consultation effectively and smoothly.

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