How to register with Cadúnico - The Most Curious in the World
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How to register with Cadúnico

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Check out in detail how to register with CadÚnico.


The Single Registry for Social Programs of the Federal Government (CadÚnico) is an essential tool for low-income families to access various social programs offered by the Brazilian government. In this guide, you will find detailed information on how to register with CadÚnico and ensure access to important benefits.

What is CadÚnico?

CadÚnico is a registration system that identifies and characterizes low-income families in Brazil. It is used as a basis for granting various social programs, such as Bolsa Família, the Continuous Benefit Payment (BPC), the Social Electricity Tariff, among others.


Who Can Register with CadÚnico?

Families that fall into at least one of the following situations can register with CadÚnico:

  • Monthly per capita income of up to half the minimum wage;
  • Total family income of up to three minimum wages;
  • Families with homeless people;
  • Families that receive benefits from social programs that use CadÚnico as a selection criterion.

Documents Required for Registration

To register with CadÚnico, you must present the following documents:

For the Person Responsible for the Family Unit (RF):

  • CPF or Voter Registration Card (mandatory for the RF);
  • Photo ID (ID Card, Work Card, Driver's License, etc.).

For Other Family Members:

  • Birth Certificate or Marriage Certificate;
  • CPF (preferably);
  • ID card;
  • Work Card;
  • Proof of school enrollment for children and adolescents up to 17 years old.

Step by Step Guide to Registering with CadÚnico

Step 1: Locate the Social Assistance Reference Center (CRAS)

  • The first step is to find the CRAS closest to your home. CRAS is the main gateway to social assistance and registers you with CadÚnico.

Step 2: Schedule an Appointment

  • In some locations, it is necessary to schedule an appointment at CRAS. Find out whether an appointment is necessary and set a date and time for the interview.

Step 3: Go to CRAS with the Necessary Documents

  • On the scheduled day, go to CRAS with all the necessary documents for all family members. Presenting complete and correct documents speeds up the registration process.

Step 4: Conduct the Interview

  • During the interview, a social worker will ask questions about the family composition, each member's income, housing conditions, health, education, work, and other relevant information. Be honest and detailed in your answers.

Step 5: Receive the Social Identification Number (NIS)

  • After the interview and data validation, a Social Identification Number (NIS) will be generated for each family member. The NIS is required to access social programs linked to CadÚnico.

Data Update

It is important to keep your data updated in CadÚnico. Whenever there are changes in family composition, address, income or other relevant information, the family should contact CRAS to update their registration. Updates should be made at least every two years.

Social Programs Linked to CadÚnico

CadÚnico is used as a basis for granting various social programs, including:

  • Family Allowance;
  • Continuous Benefit Payment (BPC);
  • My Home My Life;
  • Social Electricity Tariff;
  • Exemption from Fees in Public Tenders;
  • Child Labor Eradication Program (PETI).

An essential tool for citizens

CadÚnico is a fundamental tool for ensuring that low-income families have access to important social programs. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you will be prepared to register with CadÚnico and enjoy the benefits offered by the government. Be sure to look for the nearest CRAS and start the registration process. Good luck!

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