How to Play Squad Favela Mode in Rio de Janeiro - The Most Curious in the World
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How to Play Squad Favela Mode in Rio de Janeiro

How to Play on the Arena Brasil Server: Complete Guide

If you want to enjoy the full experience of playing Squad on the Arena Brasil server, this guide will show you how to do so, from the first steps to becoming a VIP.


The Arena Brasil server is known for its challenging and detailed environment, especially with the “Arena Brasil Mod Favela” which recreates the favelas of Rio de Janeiro with great realism.

Necessary Steps to Play on the Arena Brasil Server Installation of Squad and Favela Mod

1. First Step: Squad Installation
To get started, you will need the Squad game installed on your computer. Make sure your system meets the minimum and recommended requirements:


  • Minimum requirements:

    • Operating system: Windows 7 SP1 64 bitProcessor: Intel i5-2500 or similarRAM memory: 4 GBVideo card: Geforce GTX 570 or AMD Radeon HD 7850DirectX: 11Disk space: 18 GB

    Recommended requirements:

    • Processor: Intel i7-4790k or higherRAM memory: 6 GBVideo card: Nvidia GTX 970 or AMD R9 290DirectX: 12Disk space: 18 GB

Download and install Steam, create an account and purchase Squad, available for approximately R$ 37 on sale or R$ 93 in full.

2. Favela Mod Installation
Access the Steam Workshop and search for “Arena Brasil Mod Favela”. This mod brings a faithful recreation of the favelas of Rio de Janeiro, with detailed graphics and authentic sounds. Download and install the mod to access specific content.

Server Configuration and Entry

1. Open the Game
After installing the mod, open Squad and go to the servers section.2. Search for the Server
In the search field, type “Arena Brasil” and select one of the available servers. Due to high demand, you will find two servers, both offering the same immersion into the world of the favelas.

Squad Choice

1. Squad Formation
When joining the server, choose a squad. Each squad has a leader responsible for the team, and communication is crucial. Be sure to use a microphone to coordinate with your squad.

Gameplay in Favela Mod

1. Urban Immersion
Mod Favela offers an immersive experience with detailed graphics and authentic sounds from Rio's favelas. The setting is meticulously detailed, including improvised shacks, labyrinthine alleys, graffiti and characteristic sounds, such as loud music and conversations in Portuguese.

2. Intense Fights
Prepare for intense factional fighting and clashes with the police. Quickly adapting to the dense urban environment and strategic use of communication are crucial to gaining an advantage over enemies. This scenario challenges players to use real urban combat tactics, providing a unique and authentic experience.

3. Strategy and Coordination
Adapt your tactics to the specific favela environment. Use the cover provided by narrow alleys and buildings to hide and plan ambushes. Coordinating with your squad through effective communication is essential to surviving and triumphing in battle.

Arena Brasil Server Rules

To ensure a fair and enjoyable gaming experience, the Arena Brasil server adopts a strict set of rules that all players must follow. These guidelines cover everything from general conduct to proper use of vehicles and in-game behavior.

General Guidelines

1. Respect and Common Sense

  • Use appropriate names and be respectful of other players. Offenses, racism, xenophobia, sexism and toxic behavior are not tolerated.

2. Offensive Names

  • Offensive names for players or teams are not permitted if they are considered offensive to the average person.

3. General Conduct

  • Use common sense when playing and interacting with other players.

Conduct in the Game

1. Active Participation

  • Players must actively participate in the game by joining a squad and actively playing objectives. Unassigned players will be ejected.

2. Use of Vehicles

  • Don't waste vehicles and use them according to their specific functions. Vehicles that are abandoned or used inappropriately result in punishments.

3. TeamKill (TK)

  • When committing a TeamKill, apologize in ALL chat. TKing the team or player that killed you is not allowed under any circumstances.

4. Ghosting

  • Ghosting is prohibited and results in a permanent ban. Providing information about other teams' squads, vehicles, or HABs that could affect the game is considered cheating.

Vehicle Rules

1. Appropriate Use

  • Do not abandon vehicles after use. Return them to a FOB, Allied Squadrons or Main Base.

2. Logistics Theft

  • Do not steal supplies for personal use or transportation. Example: Stealing construction/ammunition to create FOB, mortars or TOW.

3. Vehicle Claim

  • Squads can claim vehicles based on who created the squad first and has a valid claim on the vehicle.

4. Armed Vehicles

  • Armed vehicles can be claimed and must be used according to their specific functions.

Leadership and Squads

1. Squad Leaders

  • Squad leaders are expected to lead their squads and wear a microphone at all times. Creating a squad without the intention of leading is not permitted.

2. Expulsion of Members

  • Squad Leaders have the right to expel any squad member without reason. Do not retaliate if you are expelled; consult an administrator or join another squad.

Specific Prohibitions

1. Cheat

  • Any form of cheating, hacking or using scripts to gain a competitive advantage will result in a permanent ban.

2. Bug Exploitation

  • The exploitation of bugs, map failures and any other forms of exploitation that affect the game is prohibited.

3. Privacy Violation

  • Any violation of privacy will be punished without appeal.

4. Account Evasion/Ban

  • Account evasion or ban will be punished without appeal.

Combat Rules

1. Main Camp

  • It is not permitted to initiate a confrontation with enemies located at the immediate exits of the enemy Main Base. Mines can only be placed outside the FOB creation marker on the main base.

2. High Firepower Vehicles

  • Vehicles such as MBTs cannot besiege the enemy main base from any distance.

3. Mines and Engineers

  • Combat engineers may place mines near the main one, but should not remain near the MAIN BASE after that. Place the mines and leave immediately.


Following these rules not only ensures a fair and fun gaming experience, but also helps maintain the integrity of the Arena Brasil server. Respect the guidelines, communicate effectively with your squad, and enjoy the immersive experience of playing Squad in the favelas of Rio de Janeiro. Good luck and have fun!

Join the Community

To connect with other players and stay up to date with the latest news, join the Arena Brasil Discord: Discord Arena Brasil.

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