How Latino Immigrants Can Use the US Social Security System - The Curiosest in the World
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How Latino Immigrants Can Use the U.S. Social Security System

Common Challenges

Immigrants may face challenges such as language barriers and unfamiliarity with local laws


This article offers practical solutions to overcome these obstacles, such as utilizing government-provided multilingual resources.


Strategies to Maximize Benefits

This section will cover strategies such as choosing the best time to start receiving retirement benefits, which can mean a substantial difference in the amount you receive each month.


We will close the article with a summary of the main points and reinforcing the importance of being adequately informed and prepared to maximize Social Security benefits.

Common questions

What does Social Security want?

Social Security, in the context of social security, not only provides health services, but also protects workers and their families against situations that could compromise their income. Furthermore, it offers daycare support for workers' children during their working hours, thus ensuring full support for the well-being of working families.

How does having Social Security work?

Social Security is a health system to which anyone and their family members can voluntarily join, as long as they meet certain requirements: they must register through the IMSS digital platform or in its sub-delegations, they must not be affiliated with any other security system public social security and must not have pre-existing illnesses. This system seeks to provide affordable and broad coverage for the health of its members.

How do I know if I have Social Security?

To check whether you are registered with the IMSS or whether your registered beneficiaries still have valid rights, you can request a Validity of Rights Constancy. It is important to have your CURP, Social Security Number (NSS) and a personal email on hand to carry out this consultation.

What does Social Security cover?

Social Security offers workers and their beneficiaries a series of essential services for their health and well-being. This includes medical, surgical and pharmaceutical care, hospitalization services for non-occupational illnesses and disability payments for such illnesses. This set of services guarantees complete coverage to protect the health of workers and their families.

What does Social Security provide?

Social Security provides a variety of vital benefits for workers and their families. This includes medical, hospital, pharmaceutical and rehabilitation care. In addition, it offers retirement savings, daycare services to care for workers' children and social benefits that include recreational activities and access to holiday centers, thus contributing to a better quality of life for members and their families.

Who is entitled to Social Security?

In the context of the Social Security system, the insured and their beneficiaries are entitled to social security benefits, which include spouses or partners, children under 16 years of age or up to 25 years of age if they are studying, and children who cannot support themselves due to chronic illnesses or other severe disabilities.

What is needed to have Social Security?

To access Social Security, some essential documents are required:

  • Official identification
  • Social Security Number (NSS)
  • CURP (Unique Population Registration Code)
  • Recent photography
  • Proof of residence
  • Birth, adoption or recognition certificate

These documents guarantee correct identification and registration in the system.

How much does Social Security cost?

The annual cost of Social Security is $17,410.83, effective from February 1, 2024. Self-employed workers, such as small traders and artisans, have the option of making payments bimonthly or annually, facilitating financial management .

Where do you get Social Security?

Social Security can be obtained both online and in person:

  • Online: Access the online service available 24 hours a day, every day of the year.
  • In person: Visit the corresponding Affiliation and Billing Sub-Delegation or Auxiliary Office, from Monday to Friday, from 8:00 to 15:30.

What does Social Security offer?

Social Security covers a wide range of insurance and benefits, including:

  • Work Risks
  • Diseases and Motherhood
  • Disability and Life
  • Retirement and Old Age
  • Guardianships and Social Benefits

These benefits guarantee broad protection for workers and their families in various areas of life.

What is Social Security?

Social Security refers to contributions made to the Social Security system by both employees and employers, which are detailed on the worker's payroll at the end of each month.

What is the Social Security system?

The Social Security System is a harmonious set of public and private entities, rules and procedures, covering general regimes for pensions, health, professional risks and complementary social services, as established by current legislation.

How do I know if I have Social Security?

To check whether you are registered with the IMSS and whether your beneficiaries are still valid, you can request a Constancy of Validity of Rights. You must have your CURP, Social Security Number and a personal email on hand for this procedure.

What types of Social Security are there?

According to the Social Security Law, IMSS membership includes two types of schemes: Mandatory and Voluntary.

Who should pay Social Security?

Each employer is responsible for paying labor and employer contributions, in addition to contributions to INFONAVIT, which are calculated based on the daily salary and days worked by each person providing services.

What benefits do I get from having Social Security?

In addition to retirement, one of the most important purposes of contributing to a social security institute is to have access to benefits such as medical care and housing credit. Additionally, if you become unemployed, you can request an unemployment withdrawal of a portion of the savings you have in your Afore.

How do you get Social Security?

You can obtain your Social Security Number (NSS) for the first time or look it up online with your CURP and a personal email address. Benefits include: Your NSS is unique, permanent and non-transferable. Having your NSS on hand will come in handy when asked for it at school or work.

Who is entitled to Social Security?

The insured person and their beneficiaries are entitled to access to social security benefits: spouse, partner, children under 16 years old, children up to 25 years old when they are students, children who cannot support themselves through their own work due to a chronic illness or other disabling conditions.

How much do you pay in Social Security per month?

The employer's fixed quota is 20% of UMA monthly. To calculate cash benefits, the worker's contribution base salary (SBC) is taken as a reference. Corresponds to the worker: 0.250% from the SBC and to the employer: 0.700% from the SBC.

What is needed to get Social Security?

If you don't already have your NSS, generate it online; It's very easy, just have your CURP on hand and a personal email to receive it. Benefits include: Your NSS is unique, permanent and non-transferable.

How much does Social Security cost on your own?

Costs vary with age:

  • From 40 to 49 years old: 12,700 pesos annually.
  • From 50 to 59 years old: 13,150 pesos annually.
  • From 60 to 69 years old: 18,300 pesos annually.
  • From 70 to 79 years old: 19,050 pesos per year.
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