Digital Identity – Find out how to download it for free - The Most Curious of the World
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Digital Identity – Learn how to download for free

Who never stopped doing something because they were without an important document at hand? With Digital Identity these boring everyday situations are practically impossible.


After all, with the advances in technology, most things can already be done in the palm of our hands: paying bills, scheduling appointments, ordering a car, buying tickets, ordering food, among many other things necessary in our daily lives. that are made with a simple touch on the smartphone screen. Therefore, with our documents it could not be different. 

The new digital identity unites security, technology and practicality in order to make life easier for Brazilian citizens. In order to allow better service in public bodies or anywhere else that needs your official document. Were you curious to know how to create your Digital Identity? Continue reading this article.


Digital Identity- Find out how to download it for free

After all, what is Digital Identity? 

The Digital Identity or National Identity Document (DNI) is a national registry, managed by the Superior Electoral Court (TSE) that brings together the CPF, Birth Certificate, General Registration (RG) and Voter Title in the same application . The application, which is free, can be downloaded both for Android phones and for phones that have the iOS system.

However, it is worth remembering that, despite being accepted throughout the national territory in the same way as other physical documents, the Digital Identity does not replace the need to issue the document in printed form. 

Who can make the Digital Identity? 

Anyone who has performed the biometrics at an Electoral Registry can have access to the Digital Identity. According to the Superior Electoral Court (TSE), in 2020, biometric registration had already reached around 78% of the Brazilian electorate. In this sense, more than half of the population is able to create their Digital Identity Card and get their personal documents in the palm of their hands!

How to perform biometrics?

Knowing that each human being is unique, in biometrics, the Electoral Justice collects your fingerprint, your signature and a photo to be used when voting, preventing other people from voting for you.

To make the Identity, it is necessary to collect biometrics. So, if you haven't done your biometrics yet, stay tuned for the step by step to perform the collection: 

  • On the website of electoral justice, you can check if biometric registration is available in your state; 
  • On the map, just click on your State and select “schedule appointment” 
  • In this section, you must inform your personal data;
  • Take the opportunity to select your Electoral Zone, according to your voter registration;
  • Choose the preferred date and location;  
  • Finalize your registration by printing the scheduling protocol; 

On the day of scheduling, the citizen must appear at the Electoral Registry with the identification document with photo; proof of residence issued within a maximum of 3 months; the voter registration card, and, in the case of men over 18 years of age, who apply for the title for the first time, it is worth remembering that you must bring a document that proves the release of the service military. 

After completing the biometrics, you will be able to register in the Digital Identity application and have the right to your documents in the palm of your hand! 

How to make the Digital Identity (DNI)? 

To make the digital identity is very simple! However, it is important to keep in mind that the process is divided into two stages: one online, through the application released by the Federal Government, and another in person. 

The first step is to download the app, available for Android and iOS, and pre-register. In the pre-registration it is necessary to present name, CPF, e-mail and telephone. 

After pre-registration, the application will indicate one of the service stations available to attend in person. It is worth noting that, due to the pandemic, the operation of these places may be changed. 

Once this is done, the system will indicate one of the service stations for you to attend in person. Remembering that due to the covid-19 pandemic, the operation of these places can be changed.

At the service stations, the biometric data, photos and information necessary to create the Digital Identity will be checked. If all information is approved, you can already leave with your Digital Identity on your cell phone!  

Benefits of Digital Identity

In the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, Brazil has been undergoing significant changes in terms of consumption, relationships and, above all, technology. In this sense, Digital Identity can be very useful at a time when the world is asking for immediacy. See below some benefits of Digital Identity:

  • Reliability: these days, anyone can impersonate anyone with data in hand. In view of the increase in fraud, Digital Identity becomes an ally. If you are one of those who shop online, for example, the digital document is a way to simplify and prove that you are the real buyer at the time of delivery. Since, only that document has all its unified data.
  • Day by day: Digital Identity can greatly facilitate the day to day life of citizens. Therefore, it is no longer necessary to carry several documents, a simple smartphone is enough to guarantee identification. Avoiding unnecessary losses and expenses to carry out other copies of printed documents. 
  • Brazilians without identification: digital identification can be a gateway for the registration of millions of Brazilians. The initiative may be important for Brazilians who do not have documents, for example. And, therefore, they are left out of several social programs and lose several benefits. 

Now that you know what Digital Identity is and its advantages. How about pre-registering and scheduling yours?