Discover how to automatically record phone calls on your Android
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Discover how to automatically record phone calls on your Android

Let's face it, there are times in our lives when knowing how to record calls could avoid and/or solve some problems, such as discussions with telemarketers, solving problems with lawyers or possible scams. For these moments, there may be a solution.


He will say that he never regretted it and thought: “hey, it would be perfect if this call was being recorded”?

You may not know it, but there is a tool that can help you in these cases and make sure that you can have, in your own hands, speeches that are complete and faithful to what was said in a call.


Discover how to automatically record phone calls on your android

How to Record Calls?

Whether for reasons of discussion, problem solving or questions judicial – as commented – know that there is a simple way to guarantee the integrity of the words that were said at the time of the call, especially if your smartphone has the IOS operating system.

The application “Call Recorder”, Automatic Call Recorder, developed by Appliqato, is a free tool that can help anyone in a time of need. Want to understand how it works? Check below some of its benefits, as well as the step by step on how to use it.

Step 1: The platform is available for android on Play Store. So, just go to the app store and install the tool on your smartphone.

For those who are concerned about space and price, rest assured!

Call Recorder is free and very lightweight. Therefore, it should not impair the performance of your device after installation.

step 2: Leaving everything in our style and with our face makes us comfortable and with the feeling that it really belongs to us.

As much as we are of an application, it also allows you to leave it the way you prefer.

When entering the platform, he will ask if he wants to change the background colors and if he wants to maintain some connection with the cloud to store the file, because it will not be very useful to record the call and lose it in the middle of the way.

To make sure that the tool is working, click on the three risks located next to “recordings” and see if the category “record calls” is activated.

step 3: In that moment of urgency, we really want to make sure everything is working out for us. So it's important to notice when the application is recording or not.

It is possible to notice if the recording is being carried out by noticing a red ball, which will appear in the notification area.

Another notification will arrive on your screen when the call is finished and will indicate that a new file is now available for playback.

step 4: Anyone who thinks that the application does the simple function of just recording and saving your audio is wrong.

The tool also lets you take control of the captured audio.

When opening, in the main menu of the platform, you can listen, edit, save or simply delete the material – we know that these recordings were not always so beneficial.

To do this, it's quite simple.

Just click on the conversation in which you want to perform any of these functions.

Why learn how to record phone calls?

Some court cases can be easily resolved with a simple recording and, according to the Superior Labor Court, for example, making recordings without the other's knowledge for the purpose of proving the right is not illegal, therefore, it can be used as evidence in a lawsuit.

Most of the time, when communicating with a company, for example, the customer is informed that the calls are being recorded and that he may even request it later.

This attitude demonstrates that the company complies with Decree n. 6,523, of July 31, 2008, which establishes general norms about SAC public assistance services, protecting us from possible abuses and transgressions of our rights.

With these recordings, for example, we were able to:

  • Having the right to request recordings to legally defend against the company itself or to prove any situation, or speech
  • Make the attendant repeat terms and information to appeal if they are not met
  • Recall or retrieve information about terms of a trade

The functionality can also be useful at a time when you have nothing to write down possible important information that is being said on the call, such as an address, a phone number or an instruction.

Yeah... Maybe this is the time to not fail to know how to record that call in case any urgency arises.

Good to remember!

If the habit of talking on the phone is part of your daily life and you are a person who makes a lot of calls, you need to remember that these recorded calls also take up space in your smartphone's memory.

Therefore, it is always worth checking that these materials are not taking up too much space on your device and, as far as possible, clean up and delete those audios that you do not feel you will need.

And then did you like to discover how to record calls? Then share on your social networks and Facebook groups.

Big hug.