Is it safe to have a bank account 100% digital - The Most Curious in the World
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Is it safe 100% digital bank account

Is it really safe to have an account in a fully digital bank? Here in this article, you will find the answer not only to that, but to several other questions.


The growth of digital banks in the financial market is increasingly remarkable, and all of this is thanks to its practicality and other advantages.

In addition to not having to rely on the various bureaucracies of a conventional bank, with the 100% digital bank, you don't even need to leave your house.


So, if you're curious to know more about what digital banking is, and if it's really safe, just keep reading this article. The most curious in the world prepared.

What is a 100% digital bank

Although we said earlier some essential information about the 100% digital bank, there are still several other details that need to be mentioned.

a digital bank it's like a conventional bank, if we don't count the bureaucracies and the need for you to leave the house.

In it, all possible services can be performed, through an application, which is generally available for installation on smartphones, whose system is IOS and Android.

Although many still prefer common financial institutions, especially those who are older; there is a special public, which represents the majority of those who have an account in a digital bank.

Those are the ones born around the 90s, or younger.

Generally speaking, most of the 100% digital banks have some very attractive conditions, as they do not have the others.

These conditions to which we refer, it is about being able to invest in direct treasury, for example; or if you prefer, in LCI/LCA (fixed income investments), among others…

But how to remove doubts?

But how will I be able to consult with an employee, so that my questions can be answered?

This doubt is quite common when it comes to fully digital banks.

But there is a totally simple way for all your questions to be resolved.

All you have to do is access the application's chat, as an exchange of messages will be made.

However, there is another way you can ask for help, and that is via the phone.

For those who prefer immediate assistance, the best option is to contact the institution via a phone call.

What are the services presented in such banks

Of course, each bank has a different service, but if we analyze it well, most have a pattern of availability to customers.

In addition to the investments mentioned above, there are also other tools available:

Monthly expense report;

Notifications of a certain expense, at the exact moment it is made;

Calculations of possible future expenses;

Among several others.

In addition to credit / debit cards, financing and loans.

But after all, are fully digital banks really reliable?

After talking so much about the various advantages, conditions and other features of the digital bank, it remains to be seen whether it is really reliable.

Yes! In addition to the satisfaction of all users, which is already a great proof that digital banks are really safe, there is also a way to access the digital platform.

As we have already realized that digital banks have the most advanced technology, it is clearly obvious that they have also invested in their security. Something remarkable, if we look at the variety of ways available to access your account.

What are the forms of authentication

The different forms of authentication, or if you prefer, ways of proving that you are really the owner of a certain account, as we have already said, are quite varied.

However, in order to establish total security, the large digital financial institutions impose two methods.

That can be:

Facial recognition;

Voice recognition;


Some banks are also considering the idea of adding an iris scanner to this list.