e-Título: see how easy it is to have your digital voter title
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e-Título: see how easy it is to have your digital voter title

digital voter registration card

With the e-title, the digital voter title, voting is easier, without bureaucracy and faster. See in this article how to register!

In the past, at election time, voting was limited to presenting your voter registration card at the polling stations, marking a small paper ballot with your vote for the candidate and depositing it in the ballot box.


With time came the electronic voting machines. The famous computer replaced the obsolete method and now concentrates election information on a hard drive.

Nowadays, with the automation and advancement of technology in various sectors, it was no different with the country's electoral system. In addition to the modern electronic voting machines, there is a new modality for voting.


The Brazilian Superior Electoral Court instituted the use of the e-title, electronic electoral title. To simplify the methods of obtaining the electoral document and speed up voting, the new system has already come into evidence and has been approved by Brazilian citizens.

See here how to register in the system for the e-title, digital voter title and obtain its advantages.

What is e-title

O e-title is a nationwide application to obtain the digital voter registration card. It presents in its content a series of information such as a list of data of the voter able to vote. It brings information such as the area in which the voter must appear, including polling stations and zones, as well as addresses of polling stations. 

In the app, which can be downloaded from play store (for Android systems) or apple store (for iOS), the user will be able to access it through his CPF, without having to include his voter registration data. 

Upon entering the page, you will register with your information and include electoral data to effect your inclusion. Ready, from there you will be able to consult the data of your voter registration, in addition to pending issues and other matters about electoral justice. 

O app it also allows voters to register for the role of volunteer poll workers during election periods. 

In the portal of TSE, which can be accessed through its website, voters can obtain more information about how it works and the advantages of using it. 

How e-title works

With more than half a million downloads made with its latest and updated version, since 2017 the TSE has offered the novelty to Brazilian voters.

As an alternative to the printed form of voter registration, the e-title, a digital voter registration, makes citizens' registration available online, even to avoid unnecessary travel. 

Due to the pandemic and several jobs working remotely, downloading the app has become a quick and practical solution for managing your electoral data. 


Consecrated with digital technology, the country has been adopting the incentive of digital tools, leaving the face-to-face part for assistance only as a last resort. 

To avoid long queues at its polling stations, the TSE is increasingly improving the e-title, a digital voter registration card to make life easier for the user. 


With just one click, the voter will know if he has debts with the federal justice, in the case of lack of justification for non-attendance in elections, as well as check if there have been changes in his polling station. 

Another novelty is for people who enjoy being volunteer poll workers. With an eye on the benefits of long breaks at work that are planned, those interested in participating will be able to register for the role for free. 


Now that you know more about this virtual practicality, download the application and access it.

Have practicality at hand. With the e-title, digital voter title, have details before casting your vote. All in one click.
