Emergency Aid of R$ 3 thousand is released: are you entitled? - The Most Curious in the World
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Emergency Aid of R$ 3 thousand is released: are you entitled?

The government of Jair Bolsonaro (PL) is paying new retroactive installments of Emergency Aid. The audience is now single fathers and heads of single-parent families who, unlike single mothers in the same situation, did not receive their quotas during the pandemic aid period.


Known to most Brazilians, Emergency Aid had its last standard installment paid in October 2021. Millions of registered and vulnerable people received the amounts.

But, the EXECUTIVE BRANCH had vetoed a proposal that extended the receipt of double quotas to single parents. However, last year, the National Congress overrode the veto, making transfers possible again.


If you are interested, just below we explain who can receive this aid.

Am I entitled to Emergency Aid in September?

Check the list of requirements

  • Male head of a single-parent family;
  • Be included in CadÚnico until April 2, 2020;
  • Not having a spouse or partner;
  • Have registered for Emergency Aid through digital platforms by July 2, 2020, the deadline for enrolling in the program;
  • Registration as “Responsible Family”;
  • Earned a simple quota of Emergency Aid;
  • Having minors (18) in the family.

The action to find out if you are entitled to the September Emergency Aid must be carried out by consulting the Dataprev digital address, with the Gov.br login, as this is the official site.


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Values of Emergency Aid

In addition, the total amount of money received from the Emergency Aid in September is related to the amount of installments earned by solo parents between April and August 2020. The amounts were defined as follows:

  • 5 months of benefit: value of R$ 3 thousand;
  • 4 months of benefit: value of R$ 2.4 thousand
  • 3 months of benefit: value of R$ 1.8 thousand
  • 2 months of benefit: value of R$ 1.2 thousand;
  • 1 month benefit: value of R$ 600.

emergency aid
Since then, the executive branch began payments for its Emergency Aid at the beginning of 2020. At the time, the text was approved by the National Congress. During that year, the benefit reached nearly 70 million people and was paid by the end of the year.

Although, still in the first months of last year, between January and March, the Ministry of Finance decided not to make any payments. However, it didn't take long. After a lot of pressure and the worsening situation of the Covid-19 pandemic, the Government decided to resume payments in April 2021.

Then, in the next round of values, the program came back in a smaller version of the project. According to information from the Ministry of Citizenship, this time the transfers reached more than 39 million people with payments of a maximum of R$ 378.