Emergency FGTS: in which situations can you withdraw?
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Emergency FGTS: in which situations can you withdraw?

Government releases withdrawal of emergency FGTS installments. See what situations you can cash out in. 


If you work with a formal contract and have a balance on FGTS (Length of Service Fund), know that you can withdraw emergency installments. Due to the pandemic, the government will make the resources available to workers, who will be able to withdraw the Emergency FGTS according to the calendar of their birthday month.

To do so, the worker must comply with the withdrawal forms. The Brazilian government maintains the definitions on the modality. Check out more information about the benefit in the following reading.


Emergency FGTS: in which situations can you withdraw?

How to withdraw the Emergency FGTS?

Due to the pandemic, many workers have lost income or been laid off from their jobs. To get around the situation, the FGTS was a welcome resource to bring relief in paying bills.

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During 2020, the government authorized the anniversary withdrawal of FGTS installments. But in 2021, workers are still anxiously awaiting the release of another round of installment payments.

Last year, workers withdrew up to a minimum wage from their accounts, according to the official benefit calendar. But with the end of the program, the Ministry of Economy released the renewal of the program for this year.

In what situations can you withdraw the Emergency FGTS?

To withdraw the Emergency FGTS, the worker must prove employment with a formal contract and comply with the stipulated rules that are maintained to apply for the benefit. See which ones.

  • Dismissal without just cause;
  • Dismissal due to force majeure;
  • Bankruptcy of companies;
  • Termination of contract between worker and company;
  • Option for the emergency withdrawal system.

It is worth remembering that the worker who is in the exercise of his job, can make the option of the emergency withdrawal of the FGTS in any of the service channels of Caixa Econômica Federal.

Other important details worth noting are the use of the FGTS balance to purchase a home or aid in the treatment of illnesses. These programs are different from the emergency withdrawal and for these purposes, the worker can request the partial or full amount of his FGTS balance.

If you do not opt for this option, the withdrawal of the benefit will be maintained for the purposes of contractual termination of your current job. Opting for the emergency withdrawal, the worker will be able to request the benefit in the month of his/her birth.

You will need to go to any branch of Caixa Econômica Federal, with your documents and make the request. For those who have a bank account, you can request a direct transfer to your account. If you have an account at other banking institutions, you can transfer the amounts.

Another possibility will be to make the request directly through the Caixa website or bank applications.

FGTS crisis

Due to mass unemployment and low supply of salaried labor in the country, FGTS resources have been gradually decreasing. According to Caixa Econômica and the Ministry of Economy, it will be necessary to ease the weight of efforts to keep the program up to date, since requests for emergency withdrawals increased in large numbers last year. 


To withdraw the Emergency FGTS, it will be necessary to wait for the month of your birth to make the request. Due to the scarcity of resources from the Brazilian government, the FGTS withdrawal programs are maintained in the existing categories, such as withdrawal due to dismissal without just cause or others established by law.

Another major factor that stimulates the withdrawal is the aid for workers who have the benefit, through situations caused by the coronavirus pandemic. It is worth withdrawing the benefit, if there is really a need.


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