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Part-time jobs: find yours today

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How much does a part-time job pay?

See the average salary for part-time job vacancies.


Part-time jobs play a crucial role in the job market, offering flexibility for workers looking to balance their careers with other personal responsibilities. However, the average salary for these positions can vary significantly based on a number of factors. In this article, we’ll explore what to expect in terms of average salaries for part-time jobs, as well as the aspects that influence these earnings.

Factors that Influence Average Salary

Determining the salary for a part-time job depends on several aspects:


  • Type of Work: Certain occupations, such as administrative services or sales, may pay different wages than manual labor or customer service jobs.
  • Economy Sector: Salaries vary across sectors, with financial services and technology often offering more than retail or hospitality.
  • Geographic location: Large cities and metropolitan areas generally have higher wages than rural or less developed areas.
  • Experience and Skills: Candidates with more experience or specific skills may be able to negotiate higher salaries.

Common Types of Part-Time Jobs and Their Salary Ranges

1. Customer Service

Part-time customer service jobs typically pay between $1,000 and $2,500 per month, depending on the company and the complexity of the job. These jobs may involve answering customer questions, resolving issues, and processing orders.

2. Sales and Retail

Part-time sales positions can range from $1,200 to $3,000 per month, depending on the product or service sold, commissions, and store location. Retail jobs may include customer service, restocking, and cashiering.

3. Administrative Services

Part-time administrative jobs typically offer salaries between R$ 1,500.00 and R$ 3,500.00 per month. These positions may involve administrative support, diary management, and document organization.

4. Freelance and Digital Work

Freelancers who work part-time in fields such as writing, graphic design or programming can earn between R$2,000.00 and R$5,000.00 per month, depending on the demand for their services, specialized skills and clientele.


5. Education and Mentoring

Part-time jobs in education and tutoring can pay between R$1,500.00 and R$4,000.00 per month, depending on the level of education, location, and demand for specialized tutors.

Additional Benefits and Considerations

In addition to base salary, part-time jobs can offer benefits such as:

  • Flexible hours: Ideal for students and parents who need flexible schedules.
  • Professional experience: Opportunity to gain new skills and experience in a specific field.
  • Career Opportunities: Some part-time jobs can lead to full-time opportunities or internal promotions.

Remuneration may vary

While part-time job salaries can vary widely, they play an essential role in the job market by offering flexibility and opportunities to a wide range of professionals. When considering a part-time job, it’s important to research the typical salary ranges for your field of interest and geographic location. This will help you make an informed choice that fits your financial and professional needs.

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