Best preparation apps for ENEM - The Most Curious in the World
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Best ENEM preparation apps

On November 21 and 28, 2021, students who want to enter the main universities in the country will take the ENEM (National High School Exam). If you are interested in doing the AND EITHER, this article was made for you. We separate the best ENEM preparation apps for you to study and do well in the entrance exam.


In addition, for those who don't know, ENEM since 2004 uses the exam scores as a means of entry into private universities in the country, with the aim of ProUni (University for All Program). Already in 2009, the AND EITHER began to be used to enter federal universities, in order to unify entrance exams in the country.

Currently, the test is held in 2 days, with 180 questions. They are divided into 4 areas of knowledge: Languages, Mathematics, Natural Sciences, Human Sciences, in addition to an argumentative essay.


See below the application tips that we separate for you.


One of the most used applications for preparation is the Prepare ENEM, only available for android . It is a free platform that offers the user access to all the tests that have already been carried out by ENEM. There are more or less 3600 proofs.

In this sense, the app also allows the student to have access to all the themes of previous editions of ENEM and also brings tips on how to write the text in the best way, within the requirements of the evaluation board.

Furthermore, the platform Prepare ENEM frees the student to do a variety of simulations, with questions from all areas. After performing the exercises, the app still produces a graph where the student can monitor their performance in studies.

In addition, students can also focus on the area of knowledge they most need and train only in that discipline.

Writing note 1000

Firstly, one of the most important factors for you to achieve your long-awaited vacancy at the university of your dreams is to be able to prepare an excellent essay.

So, as a way to help the candidates, the application Writing Note 1000, available to android It is iOS. The purpose of the platform is to make topics from previous years available to students. It is also possible to access essays that received a score of 1000, as a way to serve as a model, tips for creating a good text and suggestions for topics.

In addition, the platform also offers suggestions for connectors, words and expressions that are used in essays, which help to link phrases and clauses, such as “but”, “currently”, “according to”, “however”, among others.

Finally, the app, which is 100% free, also allows you to answer your questions, receive suggestions on how to build a good one and also things to avoid while writing.

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Finally, there's nothing like reviewing the exercises you've already studied, right? The application ReviewApp, available to android It is iOS, you can access summaries of the most recurring subjects in ENEM.

In addition, the application has more than 100 materials from Chemistry, Biology, Literature, History, Physics and Mathematics.

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