Bolsa Família: how to apply in 2023 and new rules
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Bolsa Família: how to apply in 2023 and new rules

family scholarship

The Bolsa Família program is being maintained, but the Federal Government is already working on changes to the social program. As reported by the newspaper Extra, a special team was created to establish new rules for the program.


Members of the Ministry of Social Development, Family and Fight against Hunger are in contact with representatives of the Ministries of Health and Education to formulate these norms. The objective is to focus on the conditions, that is, the rules that the user must follow in order not to lose the social benefit.

The new government plans to monitor more closely issues such as school attendance and children's vaccination records. In addition, there is something new: the government also wants to assess student performance at school, checking data such as the student's repetition rate.


There is still no official date for these new rules to come into effect. However, it is likely that they will be worked on with a maximum period of 60 days to submit all proposals. Following this logic, it is possible that the new rules will start to apply from March.

This was the same deadline given publicly by the Minister of Social Development, Wellington Dias (PT) for carrying out a verification of the program's records. Dias also announced that payments of the additional R$ 150 for children under the age of six will start in March as well.

Lula's endorsement

According to internal sources, the members of this special team know that there is still a step before all these new rules are defined. This stage is led by President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT). He will evaluate the ideas and choose only those he finds satisfactory.

It is worth remembering that since the period of the presidential campaign last year, Lula has expressed his position in favor of changes in this sense. He has already mentioned the return of conditions in the social program in some debates.

During the government of former President Jair Bolsonaro (PL), the conditions did not cease to exist. However, there is an assessment that inspections around the issue would have been relaxed. In interviews, the then Minister of Health, Marcelo Queiroga, went so far as to state that no one would lose the Brazil Aid due to lack of vaccination.

“No punishment” in Bolsa Família

According to Minister Wellington Dias, the intention of reintroducing the conditions is not to punish people who are part of the Bolsa Família program. He claims that the objective is to increase the level of contact between the Government and these citizens.

“President Lula determined that we have integration with the different areas. Integration with the education network is important, for example, with regard to the condition now in the new Bolsa Família. The children and teenagers receive Bolsa Família, but with the guarantee that they are enrolled in school,” said Dias.

Bolsa Familia

This Friday (20), the Federal Government is proceeding with the payments of its Bolsa Família, still without these conditions. See the calendar below for the day your group will receive this month of January

  • Users with NIS end 1: January 18 (Wednesday);
  • End NIS Users 2: January 19 (Thursday);
  • Users with NIS end 3: January 20 (Friday);
  • Users with NIS end 4: January 23 (Monday);
  • Users with NIS end 5: January 24 (Tuesday);
  • Users with NIS end 6: January 25 (Wednesday);
  • Users with NIS end 7: January 26 (Thursday);
  • Users with NIS end 8: January 27 (Friday);
  • Users with NIS end 9: January 30 (Monday);
  • Users with NIS ending 0: January 31 (Tuesday).