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Fatec registration: how to do yours

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See the scholarships offered at Fatec

Check out all the scholarships available at Fatec.


The São Paulo State College of Technology (Fatec) is a public higher education institution that offers high-quality technology courses. To ensure that all students have access to education, Fatec offers several scholarships. In this article, we will explore the main scholarships offered, their requirements, and how to apply for them.

1. Educational Inclusion Program (PIE) Scholarship

The Educational Inclusion Program (PIE) aims to provide access to education for low-income students. This scholarship is intended for students who demonstrate an unfavorable socioeconomic situation.



  • Proof of per capita family income of up to one and a half minimum wages.
  • Be regularly enrolled in a Fatec course.
  • Presentation of documents proving socioeconomic status.

How to apply:

  • The application is made at the beginning of the academic semester.
  • Students must complete a specific form and submit the necessary documentation to the Fatec unit where they are enrolled.

2. Academic Merit Scholarship

The Academic Merit Scholarship is intended for students with excellent academic performance. This scholarship seeks to encourage continued studies and academic dedication.


  • Outstanding academic performance, with an overall average equal to or greater than 8.0.
  • Not having failed any subjects in the previous semester.
  • Be regularly enrolled in a Fatec course.

How to apply:

  • Selection is automatic based on the student's academic performance.
  • Students who meet the criteria are notified by the Fatec academic secretariat.

3. Research and Scientific Initiation Grant

The Research and Scientific Initiation Scholarship is offered to students interested in developing research projects under the guidance of a Fatec professor. This scholarship aims to stimulate scientific production and the training of new researchers.


  • Be regularly enrolled in a Fatec course.
  • Present a research project approved by the supervisor and the unit's research committee.
  • Dedicate oneself exclusively to research activities during the period of the scholarship.

How to apply:

  • Applications are made through notices published by Fatec, generally at the beginning of each semester.
  • Students must submit the research project and documentation requested in the notice.

4. Extension Grant

The Extension Scholarship is aimed at students who participate in university extension projects, which aim to bring academic knowledge to the external community.


  • Be regularly enrolled in a Fatec course.
  • Participate in an extension project approved by the unit's extension coordination.
  • Dedicate yourself to extension activities during the scholarship period.

How to apply:

  • Applications are made through notices issued by Fatec.
  • Interested students must submit the extension proposal and the necessary documentation as per the notice.

5. Student Assistance Grant

The Student Assistance Grant is intended for students who need financial support to cover basic expenses such as food, transportation and teaching materials.


  • Proof of per capita family income of up to one and a half minimum wages.
  • Be regularly enrolled in a Fatec course.
  • Presentation of documents proving socioeconomic status.

How to apply:

  • The application is made at the beginning of the academic semester.
  • Students must complete a specific form and submit the necessary documentation to the Fatec unit where they are enrolled.

6. Scholarship for Students with Disabilities

This scholarship is intended for students with disabilities who need financial support to continue their studies at Fatec.


  • Proof of disability through medical reports.
  • Be regularly enrolled in a Fatec course.
  • Presentation of documents proving socioeconomic status, if applicable.

How to apply:

  • The application is made at the beginning of the academic semester.
  • Students must complete a specific form and submit the necessary documentation to the Fatec unit where they are enrolled.

7. Permanence Grant Program

The Bolsa Permanência Program is an initiative of the Ministry of Education (MEC) to support low-income and indigenous students during their higher education. Fatec participates in this program, offering scholarships to its students.



  • Proof of per capita family income of up to one and a half minimum wages.
  • Be regularly enrolled in a Fatec course.
  • Presentation of documents proving socioeconomic status.

How to apply:

  • The application is made through the MEC Permanence Grant Management System.
  • Students must follow the guidelines available on the MEC and Fatec websites.

Take advantage of the opportunities offered by Fatec

Fatec offers a variety of scholarships to support its students, ensuring that quality education is within everyone’s reach. Whether for academic merit, socioeconomic need, interest in research or extension, there are options available for different student profiles. To maximize your chances of obtaining a scholarship, it is important to pay attention to the announcements, meet the requirements and follow the application procedures correctly. With these opportunities, Fatec reaffirms its commitment to inclusion and training qualified professionals for the job market.

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