5 fitness recipe apps for Android and iOS - The Most Curious in the World
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5 Fitness Recipe Apps for Android and iOS

fitness recipe apps

Fitness recipe apps? Today, technology has become our best ally, so digital platforms are essential to help with healthy habits. We at O Mais Curioso separate a list of fitness recipe apps that will help you improve your health and lifestyle.


Keep reading to check out the list in full.


This is a really useful app. The reason is because it offers a wide variety of healthy recipes to be able to eat better and, in addition, without wasting food . Its use is very simple, just enter the foods that we have in the fridge and the application will offer us a list of many healthy recipes. But, in the Premium version, we can set a series of filters to limit the type of recipes, such as vegan recipes or those that don't include any food to which we are allergic.


Available to android

My Real Food

With this app you can follow a very healthy diet, the famous "Fitness Life", a movement that has become very popular in recent years. Real Food is an app that brings together all fresh foods and those that are not industrialized. This app is available for Android and IOS and is 100% free. The good thing about this platform is the tab called community, where users can share recipes, about their lifestyle, talk about food... sports and other subjects related to fitness style.

Available to android It is iOS


This platform will be essential in our daily lives. With it, you can scan the barcode on products to find out how healthy they are. When they are considered bad products, the app offers a series of healthier alternatives with which you can replace other foods.

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Available on android It is iOS

MyFitnessPal fitness recipe apps

One more free option which became the download leader not only in Brazil, but in the world. Based on the user's physical profile, the application will recommend a daily goal of calories to achieve the desired weight loss or gain. Exercises and food taken daily can be recorded. In certain periods the user will have to update his weight to adjust the goal again.

Available on android It is iOS


One of the best apps for fitness life today. On the main screen, a wall of activities will be shown where users share their workouts, along with links or photos they shared; O Facebook of fitness life, let's say. We can inform you about statistics, rhythms and schedules, along with other details. One option that manages to motivate its users are the challenges it offers in the form of monthly competitions, with which we can achieve our goals in the app. 

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Strava also allows you to record, monitor and control sports sessions. When an activity is completed and loaded into the application, the platform shows user statistics and, on many occasions, we can compare ourselves with other users who have carried out the same activity. It is a tool that uses competitiveness that comes from our human instinct which, thanks to the will it generates, allows us to overcome our goals.

Available to android It is iOS