How Elon Musk intends to create a city on Mars - The Most Curious in the World
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How Elon Musk plans to create a city on Mars

Colonization on Mars is something that has been planned for years, and here in this article, you will learn how Elon Musk intends to create a city on Mars.


The red planet, as it is also called, is the most similar to planet Earth, and for this and other reasons, it was chosen for us to inhabit in the future.

But how is this possible? Read this text that the site The most curious in the world prepared.


This is a very common question, and the answer not only to this one, but to several others, you can find here.

Who is Elon Musk

Before we can talk about how Elon Musk intends to create a city on Mars, we must first introduce who it is.

He holds key positions in different places, such as vice president of OpenAI, co-founder and president of SolarCity, in addition to being the founder, CEO and CTO of SpaceX; CEO of Tesla Motors; and founder and CEO of Neuralink.

What is the ship that will take people to Mars?

The details of the ship that will be responsible for taking people to Mars have already been released.

It is made of stainless steel, has a Raptor engine that uses liquid oxygen and methane instead of the traditional rocket propellants that are used in the Falcon 9's Merlin engines.

Why do all this?

What is the need to send people to Mars, so that they can create a civilization there?

This is a doubt that may be among several people, but the arguments that were given can be quite convincing.

The reason why Elon Musk wants to send people to another planet is so that in the future, in case there is an event that would cause the mass extinction of humanity, a part would be sheltered in another place, which in this case is Mars.

How many people would go to Mars

For Musk, the necessary amount of people, in order to create a civilization on Mars, would be around 1 million.

However, the ships that are being made, for such an act to be carried out; it has the capacity for only 100 people for each trip.

What does the term “Orbital Synchronization” mean?

Before we can present how Elon Musk wants to create the city on Mars, we must first present the meaning of “Orbital synchronization”.

For it is only through this synchronization that we will be able, someday, to carry out a colony in the Red Planet.

Orbital synchronization is the point at which Earth and Mars will be aligned, and as close as possible.

Such a phenomenon happens every 26 months, and this is the perfect time for a ship to be launched from Earth to our probable future planet.

The moment is ideal, because the distance between both planets, “only” will be 53 million kilometers.

And according to what was said by Elon Musk, in 2017, the first match will be in the next synchronization, which is planned for the year 2022 and 2024, which is not too far away.

How Elon Musk plans to create a city on Mars

According to Elon's arguments, each orbital synchronization will serve for the construction of the Mars base.

This means that the whole process will be gradual, one thing at a time.

First, they will focus on life support and the production of fuel and food.

And if everything works out, in less than 10 years, the colony will already be in shape, but the complete colonization, which will cover around 1 million people, will be ready in a period that can vary between 40 and 100 years.

Elon Musk's Goals

Although it seemed that Elon's big dream and goal is to achieve colonization on Mars, the entrepreneur has ideas that no one even imagined a day!

The founder of the most diverse companies, wants not only that humans are capable of propulsion plants, on the Red Planet, but also to expand their journey, establishing colonies on other planets in the solar system.

But all this requires years of study, until a conclusion can be reached. In this way, Elon intends to create a city on Mars.