How to convert your limit into PIX - The Most Curious in the World
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How to convert your limit into PIX

In a world where agility and efficiency are fundamental, innovative financial solutions are emerging to meet the needs of those who need resources quickly.


One of these solutions is “Dinheiro na Hora”, a service that promises to revolutionize access to credit. Aimed at those who have a credit card with an available limit, it stands out for its speed and simplicity.



Straight to the point


How to convert?

  1. The process is simple and straightforward. The customer accesses a secure online environment, carries out a simulation of installments and, after approval, the amount is deposited directly into their account. It is important to highlight that rates and fees are transparent and may change, therefore, it is always recommended to consult the “Rates and Fees” section to be sure of the costs involved.


The main advantage of “Dinheiro na Hora” is the agility in releasing funds. For those who need quick money for an emergency or opportunity, this can be an effective solution. Furthermore, the absence of bureaucracy and no need to consult the SPC and Serasa make the service accessible to a wider public.

However, it is crucial that users are aware of the fees involved and the total cost of the loan. Installments, although flexible, can result in interest that significantly increases the final amount to be paid.


When to use this feature?

The ideal use of Pix with a credit card is recommended to pay off large bills that do not offer other installment alternatives, such as paying late invoices. There are other suitable situations for this type of payment, which will be detailed below.

Using Pix for payments may result in more advantageous discounts than the rates applicable to other payment methods. This is particularly useful for:

  1. Negotiation and settlement of debts;
  2. Installment payments for purchases made through Pix.