How to exchange money spending little? - The Most Curious in the World
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How to exchange money spending little?

With the dollar on the rise, you might be wondering if you can do an exchange program on a low budget. The answer to that question is yes.


On the other hand, you need to keep in mind that yes, you will have to spend money somehow. Even so, your dreamed goal is possible, and some details need to be thought of before facing this mission.

Read this article and you will have tips to understand how to exchange on a low budget.


How to exchange money spending little?

Plan ahead and be patient.

When we think about how to do an exchange program on a low budget, the first tip is to plan ahead. I couldn't start without talking about planning. It is from it that you will analyze your entire journey.

When planning, you will be able to map out what your current conditions are, to draw up a plan and collect money.

You won't be able to make a quick exchange, because you're here precisely because you don't have much money.

That's why patience is paramount for you to be able to go out of the country. So, look at the exchange as a medium to long-term investment. And make it a priority!

Why do I say this? Because you will need to save money to pay the installments of the course you bought or pay it in cash when you are about to travel.

And if you start spending your money on things that are not relevant, you will lose the opportunity to advance your dream.

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Set a Goal

Okay, let's talk about planning.

But now comes another point as important as defining the objective.

You need to know why you are wanting to do an exchange.

Do you go traveling for a walk? Want to improve your language skills? Are you thinking about going to work and improving your resume?

When you know what your expectations are, you can put yourself on a path to achieving them.

Choose countries with low cost

This option is a golden tip for those who have set a goal to improve in a foreign language.

Think with me, you want to improve your English and there are several places to learn English.

You can learn in Australia, in Ireland, in Canada.

On the other hand, you can choose a country that has official language English and pay much less than the countries listed above.

Why not take advantage of this opportunity?

This way it will be faster in how to make an exchange.

Of course, if you have a dream of visiting a certain country, this tip may not be as viable, so it's important to set a goal.

However, if your biggest desire is to leave the country and travel, look for cheaper countries.

Choose a country you can work in

Yes, not all countries allow you to work.

On the other hand, the list of those that allow it is extensive.

So choose a country where you can work, that way you can spend less.

Since you will be working and will be able to afford some expenses.

In some countries, when enrolled in a school taking an English course, usually with a minimum duration of 6 months, you can work up to 20 hours a week while taking classes.

Now, during the vacation period, this workload reaches up to 40 hours a week, that is, you can earn a little more.

Some exchange programs offer an exchange together with work.

However, most of the time you will have to look for it, usually the services are for bars, restaurants to work as a waiter or receptionist.

Other types of exchange are just for work, work experience, being able to work as an au pair — nanny —, in which women are culturally hired and rarely men.

Who need to be over 18 years old, driver's license, complete high school and more than 300 proven hours with experience with children.

Or work in tourism areas.

Thus, people have possibilities to work at Disney, hotels, cafeterias, among other places.

These vacancies are generally available during the holidays.


The best way to do an exchange on a low budget is through a scholarship.

From it, the Institutions make notices and partnerships that make the costs decrease.

As much as these vacancies are popular and need a lot of dedication, it is still one of the cheapest ways to do an exchange program.

be less consumerist

The Brazilians spend a lot when traveling abroad.

Try to enjoy the travel experience more than spending a lot of money, mainly because if your planning has been restricted so far, it is normal to assume that your trip will be too.

As a rule, plan yourself, set a limit on what you can spend and never exceed it.

Another point to save money is to use the country's facilities, going by bicycle, taking public transport or walking to the places you want to go.

Do it yourself

It is possible not to be tied to an exchange agency and you plan everything yourself.

Of course, it's much more complicated for someone who has never left the country.

However, it may be a cheaper option. When you have all the quotes made by the agencies, you can compare prices.

So, you can look for reliable schools in the country where you want to study and negotiate directly with them.

In this way, even accommodation can be cheaper, as you can rent apartments through AirBnb, or if it is a university city, ask for accommodation in a room.

Try to participate in Facebook communities that share these experiences so you can feel safer when choosing this type of trip.

And then you managed to understand how to do an exchange program spending little? We hope so, and if you liked the article, share it in your Facebook groups.


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