How to get a 15% discount on electricity in MS - The Most Curious in the World
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How to get a 15% discount on electricity in MS


iGreen Energy, an emerging and creative company, presents an ecological alternative to reduce electricity expenses in Mato Grosso do Sul.

Providing savings of 15% on electricity bills, iGreen Energy connects customers to their solar plants, eliminating extra expenses and complicated installation processes.


This text from Mais Curioso details a detailed itinerary to sign up for this service and make the most of its advantages.

How to get the iGreen discount in MS?

To receive iGreen Energy discounts, tap the button below and you will be redirected to a form where you will enter your information, including your energy bill.

Step by step accompanied

1. Once you have access to the button above, fill in your details, such as the amount you spend on your electricity bill, along with other information such as CPF, state, address, etc…

2. Once this is done, you will need to attach your account and if it has a password (some files have a password, in this case, some PDFS). Tap “Attach file”, locate your account and add it in the field. Afterwards, your identity document must also be attached.

3. Now, iGreen will request more specific information from the company that distributes energy to you, as well as some details about your account.

We are talking about the type of installation (commercial, residential, etc… The kW/h value, whether your network is single-phase or two-phase and a few more details). Enter this information.

If you don't know, attached below is a manual for identifying information on your Energisa energy bill.

4. With the information entered, including your personal data, tap next and that's it! Now just wait for the company to contact you to arrange the details of the discount on your electricity. You should receive the following message below:

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