How to install the FGTS application - The Most Curious in the World
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How to install the FGTS application

We will teach you how to install the FGTS application on your mobile device, learn the necessary steps to follow your Guarantee Fund deposits directly on your cell phone. So you know if the deposits are being made correctly by your Company.


Of course, you can also consult the statement of all FGTS accounts within the application, so in case of government benefit, you have control of all this information without having to go to a Caixa Economica Federal branch to make a query.

One thing that many don't know is that thousands of people have many doubts about this subject, and if you are one of those same people, know that you are in the right place.


This is due to the fact that, in this article on the site the most curious in the world, you will be able to have access to the best and main information, that compose and that are related to this subject, where it will be possible for you to find the correct answer, for your doubts.

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What is the FGTS and what is it for?

The acronym FGTS is used to abbreviate the words Fundo de Garantia do Tempo de Serviço.

It was created so that it can protect all those workers who are fired without presenting any just cause.

This is through an account, which is linked to an employment contract.

At the beginning of each month, the employer makes a deposit in the account of its employees, where these accounts belong to Caixa Econômica Federal.

The amount that is deposited corresponds to approximately 8% of the salary of each employee working in that certain company.

The FGTS is constructed by the sum of all these deposits that are made on a monthly basis.

All the money that is deposited in these accounts belongs to the owner of that account, which in this case is an employee of a certain company.

Also, that same money can be used for any and all purposes, both to pay bills, and to make purchases for the house or even for yourself.

With this, it is possible to conclude that if you are one of the thousands of workers who were sent away, without presenting a just cause, you have the right to have access to that money.

Who has the right to take and have access to the FGTS?

In addition to people who were sent away without just cause, the following people are also entitled to take FGTS money:

  • Workers working in rural areas;
  • Worker who are intermittent;
  • Those workers who are temporary, that is, those who are not fixed at a single company;
  • Workers who are independent;
  • Saffrons, who are those who work only at harvest time and also rural workers;
  • People who are professional athletes, such as those who play basketball, volleyball, soccer, among others;
  • People who are domestic servants, that is, those who work taking care of and cleaning other people's homes;
  • Workers who are governed by the CLT and who signed an employment contract from 10/05/1988;

Therefore, if you are one of the people who present or are in any of the professions mentioned above, you have every right to get your FGTS money.

How to install the FGTS application?

With the new technologies, FGTS decided to get a new version for itself.

This new version is the version that can be found in an application for technological devices.

It can be found in the virtual store of your cell phone, which can be both IOS and ANDROID.

In order for you to install it, you must follow the following step by step:

1 – Open the virtual store of your mobile device and search for the official FGTS application;

2 – Carry out the installation, as usual (if using ANDROID, click on “Install”) (if using IOS, click on the “get” option and, if necessary, place your fingerprint) and wait until the download is completed. concluded.

3 – After installation, you will be able to find the application on your home screen.

4 – After that, when opening the application you will have to fill in some information, and then it will be possible for you to have access to all your FGTS information.