How to participate in Pronatec? - The Most Curious in the World
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How to participate in Pronatec?

The Federal Government strives to bring knowledge to people who need access to education. Learn more in today's article how to participate in Pronatec.


The Federal Government's effort to improve methods to bring education is not of today. With great commitment, the country's bodies circumvent the difficulties, and seek to benefit those who do not have possibilities or resources to reach the classrooms.

In the scope of helping people to obtain school levels that help with technical and professional training, Pronatec was created, National Program for Access to Technical and Professional Education.


Developed in partnership with the Ministry of Education, through the Law 12,513, the service aims to teach and help young people in their professional training. 

If you are interested and want to know more about how to participate in Pronatec, follow along and get information about the social program. He comes with us.

How to participate in Pronatec?

What are the objectives of Pronatec?

Pronatec's proposal is to help people who wish to obtain technical knowledge through training and training courses professional. 

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Among its main objectives are the advantages and benefits to students looking for didactic services. Follow along.

  • Expansion of public teaching networks in Vocational Education and Technology (EPT)
  • Expansion of distance courses
  • Promotion of course offerings on private and public networks
  • Increase in the offering of training courses to workers

Based on the objectives, the Training Grant was created, which aims to contemplate students in Technical and Vocational Education. Actions were developed of merits with the Ministry of Education.

  • Creation of the Professionalized Brazil program
  • Network e-Tec Brazil
  • Increase in the Professional, Scientific and Technological Education Network
  • Free national learning services

Who can enroll in Pronatec?

If you want to know how to participate in Pronatec, know that the program is aimed at all people who wish to have more knowledge within their study and professional areas of interest. In short, there are priorities to specific groups of people. See which ones.

  • Students who attended high school in public schools
  • Workers
  • Beneficiaries of income transfer programs
  • Public high school students, whether young or adult

How to enroll in Pronatec?

To register, students must access the portal of the mechanic It is Search for available jobs in your area. In the “Vacancies” field, confirm availability and register. After checking the notification option of vacancies, you will receive the information in the registered email.

Applications can also be made in person. The interested must attend the partner institutions that will offer the courses. They are the offering partners, who will teach the courses.

Applicants must accompany information on institutes or institutions  technologies. Know which ones.

  • Technical, scientific and professional training schools of the federal network
  • Public institutions of state or municipal networks within the scope of courses
  • Schools that have the National Learning Service, such as Senai and Senac
  • Higher education institutions and technical training schools

Conditions to participate

Check below the requirements for how to participate in Pronatec.

  • be enrolled in CadÚnico
  • Have a family income of up to two minimum wages
  • Be enrolled in a government social program, such as Bolsa Família
  • Have a degree or be enrolled in high school in the public network


Don't miss this opportunity to build your future. now that you know how to subscribe to Pronatec, don't waste any more time. Access CadÚnico, register and look for the courses you prefer. 

With this, you will be able to obtain help from the government and fulfill your dream of completing your study and prepare for the job market.

We cheer for you!


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