How to get proof of vaccine without Connect Sus - The Most Curious in the World
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How to get proof of vaccine without Connect Sus

Since the hacker attack suffered, on the last 10th, the Ministry of Health website and the Connect Sus application have been offline. The blackout made life difficult for many Brazilians who used the app to access proof of Covid-19 vaccine. 


However, for those who have lost their physical vaccination card or for those who prefer to have their card on their smartphone, know that Connect Sus is not the only application available to access your proof of vaccination. That's because many municipalities have already created their own applications to deal with the problem. 

With that in mind, we've separated a list of applications by municipality for you, from all regions of the country, to access your digital proof of vaccination. Were you curious? So read until the end and find out which application is valid in your city. 


How to get proof of vaccination without Connect SUS

Source: Image from (Google)

How important is proof of vaccination?

This is still a very common question for Brazilians, especially for those who have not kept or lost their physical vaccination card. 

However, it is good to remember that proof of vaccination is required in 249 municipalities in the country, according to a survey by the National Confederation of Municipalities (CNM). In addition, at least 20 Brazilian capitals ask for a vaccine passport to enter establishments, to travel, to participate in events and in many other cases. 

Therefore, without proof of vaccination, citizens can be completely excluded from many places that are already open. In addition, proof is required to receive the second dose or booster dose. You can't miss this important document, can you? 

Therefore, whether physical or digital, it is always essential to have proof in the palm of your hands. 

See how to obtain proof of vaccination without Connect SUS 

With the blackout, states and municipalities decided to create their own digital applications so that citizens would not be left without access to their online receipt. Keep an eye on your state or municipality’s application and start using your vaccination certificate right now: 

São Paulo 

The Paulistas were lucky! The platform that issues the voucher, VaciVida, was not affected by the attack. In its digital version, the proof of vaccination can be accessed through the app Digital Savings, by cell phone. With PoupaTempo you can have information about the doses, name and registration of the place of vaccination, date of vaccination, manufacturer and batch number. In addition, it also allows you to download and print the receipt, if necessary. 

In addition to PoupaTempo Digital, in São Paulo, you can access the application e-saudeSP to obtain your vaccination certificate. 

Holy Spirit 

O Holy Spirit offers access to the voucher through the platform vaccine and trust, created by the state government in July this year. Best of all, with proof of vaccination, you can get discounts at some establishments in Vitória.  


For those who were vaccinated in Curitiba, the vaccine application certificate can be issued through the app Health Now. According to the Municipal Secretary of Health, the capital has its own electronic medical record system, called e-Health, which, according to them, “has robust security features and is constantly updated”. 


For Bahians who were vaccinated in the capital, the city hall provided a digital vaccination card to prove immunization. To access your wallet, just enter the website: It is worth remembering that it is valid throughout the national territory. 


In the capital of Pernambuco, the application was created ConectaRecife as an alternative to Connect Sus. The application can be accessed either by  city hall website as well as the Play Store, for smartphones with Android system and the App Store for cell phones with iOS system. However, it is worth remembering that, at the time of access, it is necessary to login with the CPF and password. 

large northern river

O large northern river is the only one that has a state system, the RN Plus Vaccine. The tool was developed during the pandemic by the Health Innovation Laboratory of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (Lais/UFRN). Since the beginning of the immunization process, the app was already being used by all municipalities to administer doses. Amazing, isn't it? 

João Pessoa

For those who live in João Pessoa, the application João Pessoa Vaccine is available both to schedule doses and to prove vaccination. To download the app, just go to the Play Store or the App Store and search for “Vacina João Pessoa”. With the registration made by city hall website from João Pessoa, just enter your CPF and password and that's it! 

Campina Grande 

For those who took the vaccine in Campina Grande, access is very similar to that of João Pessoa. With the app Campina Grande vaccine downloaded, just enter your CPF and date of birth and click on “Vaccination Card” 

Rio de Janeiro 

In Rio, the app Rio Covid-19 is no longer available, which makes the process of issuing a vaccination card difficult for a large majority. The city council advises residents to use a physical vaccination card, which can be picked up at the place where you took your doses. However, for residents of the capital, it is still possible to issue their certificate through the Rio de Janeiro Municipal Health Secretariat website (SMS Rio) 

data recovery

According to the Minister of Health, Marcelo Queiroga, vaccination data will still be retrieved by the federal government system. The minister stated that population data will not be lost after the attack suffered:

These data will not be lost, the Ministry of Health has all the data, it is just a matter of recovering these data and making them available to society”, he said.

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