How to Register to Receive the Pension for the Welfare of Elderly People in Mexico - The Most Curious in the World
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How to Register to Receive the Elderly Welfare Pension in Mexico

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Mexico, recognizing the importance of supporting its elderly population, launched a significant expansion of the pension program aimed at people over 65. This initiative, promoted by the Department of Welfare, aims to not only provide financial relief, but also recognize the invaluable contribution that older people have made to the nation throughout their lives.


In this context, it is essential that citizens are well informed about how to benefit from this program. The process, although simple, requires attention to specific details and the presentation of relevant documents. This article will serve as a comprehensive guide to help interested parties navigate the registration process and ensure they receive the benefit they deserve.

1. Check your Eligibility:

Before starting the registration process, it is essential to know if you are eligible. The expansion of this right now benefits the entire population over 65 years of age. Previously, the benefit was granted from the age of 68 and, from the age of 65, only to indigenous and Afro-descendant communities.


2. Consult the Date and Place of Registration:

The Welfare Department emphasizes the importance of checking the date and location of registration before attending the modules. You can do this by visiting the official website:

3. Required Documents:

Prepare by collecting all the documents required for registration:

  • Official identification (could be voter credential, passport, booklet, professional card, Inapam credential or identity card).
  • CURP (Single Population Registration Code).
  • Legible birth certificate.
  • Proof of recent residence (could be telephone, electricity, gas, water or property bills).
  • Telephone number to follow the process.

4. Personal Assistant Registration (if required):

If you need assistance during the process, you can register a personal assistant. This assistant must also present the documentation mentioned above.

5. Special Cases:

For elderly people with a disability or illness that prevents them from leaving home, a family member can request a visit from a member of the Welfare Department to register at home.

6. Pension Value:

The pension amount was increased to three thousand and one hundred pesos every two months. With the new registration, the number of beneficiaries is expected to exceed ten million.

7. Follow-up:

After registration, it is essential to follow the process and ensure that all documents are correct. You can do this via the phone number provided during registration or by visiting the official website.

Conclusion: The Welfare Secretariat's initiative aims to improve the quality of life of elderly people in Mexico. If you are eligible, don't miss this opportunity. Follow the steps above, secure your registration and start receiving the benefit you are owed.