How to use the Instagram algorithm and pump on the social network - The Most Curious in the World
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How to use the Instagram algorithm and pump on the social network

If you have a personal or professional profile on Instagram, of course your goal is to be seen! However, to get the attention of your followers, you must know a little more about the Instagram algorithm. 


But what is the Instagram algorithm anyway? The Instagram algorithm is a data collection system together with artificial intelligence that establishes the positioning order of the posts that appear in the user's feed. The definition seems difficult, but in fact, it works as a kind of filter for the user on the social network, in which, based on his actions, he will say what is more and less important. Interesting, isn't it?

However, to stay on top, it all depends on your posts or the frequency of them. This way, your content can appear first for other people. Thinking about it, we separate the best tips for you to circumvent the Instagram algorithm and pump on the social network!


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How to use the Instagram algorithm and pump on the social network


Source: Image from (Google)


How does the Instagram algorithm work?

It is worth remembering that the function of the algorithm is to make the user find what he is most looking for firsthand. Understanding what the user wants is based on their interactions with certain profiles.

Therefore, one of the main pillars of the algorithm is temporality. Before, Instagram posts appeared in chronological order, that is, all displayed posts appeared in order of posts. However, to improve the experience, the social network started showing only what was most important. But why? With the user only seeing what he wants, the chance to return and stay in the app for longer is greater. 

What are the algorithm criteria?

Before we go to the tips on how to rock on Instagram, know that there are three main pillars that influence the choice within the social network. The first being interest. That is: your likes direct you to a certain type of content and Instagram will prioritize delivering this content. For example, if you always enjoy content about sports, the algorithm will understand that this is your main interest. 

The second influencing factor is novelty. As much as it has had the change we said earlier, Instagram gives priority to the most recent posts, but for a certain amount of time. That is, only for recent posts that have engagement. If the content does not have good engagement in the first hour of exposure, it will end up losing positions in the feed.

The relationship is the third influencing factor. That is, Instagram will deliver you the posts of the profiles you interacts the most, either by comments, likes or direct. Also, some profile that the user regularly searches, such as an influencer or some company, may appear at the top of your feed.  

And if you think that stories are different, you are very wrong! Those that appear as a priority are the ones that the user interacts with the most. The more he interacts with the content of some profiles, the more stories will appear first. However, if the story is ignored or immediately closed, Instagram understands that the user is not interested and sends them to the end of the queue. Therefore, betting on interesting stories is the way to boost your profile!

How to use the Instagram algorithm to your advantage?

Now, if you want to know how to rock your Instagram. Here are some tips on how to have the Instagram algorithm in your favor and become famous on the social network:  

Look for the best times

One of the factors directly involved is initial engagement. Therefore, it is important to find out what times your audience is online. As much as Instagram has a general schedule, it's important to evaluate based on your followers. To do this, create a professional account and search, through Instagram's own feature, the days and times when your followers are most active so you can post. 

Always stay tuned for new updates

The social network is one of those that performs the most updates. Recently, a new feature made available by Instagram proved this by generating great engagement since its creation, which was Reels and IGTV. Paying attention to these changes is a good way to be popular on the social network and get even more engagement in your posts. 

Create content that encourages your followers to interact

Citing Reels again, videos are usually successful and burst through shares and views. Thus, Instagram favors content that makes people want to share. in stories. In that sense, it's essential to make content that pumps and makes your followers interact with you!

Create interesting content

As much as there is a wide discussion about what is interesting content, Instagram has standardized as the one that connects and delights people. That is, your niche following. For example, if you have a profile about law, it's interesting to create content focused on the topic. Think of interesting content that makes the audience enchanted, share and have an attachment to your posts. If you have a personal profile and want to influence people, sharing your daily life with your followers is a great way to generate content and engagement. 

Respond to comments and direct

The relationship with your followers is essential to increase the engagement of posts. Therefore, try to respond quickly to comments on your posts or messages in direct. The more you respond, the faster your post or story will appear. The power of the algorithm is amazing, isn't it?

Now that you know how to rock Instagram, how about putting these tips into practice and taking advantage of the best that the algorithm can offer you?