INSS Payroll Loan - The Most Curious in the World
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INSS Payroll Loan

social Security

Excellent opportunity for INSS beneficiaries. The payroll credit card modality now offers an even more attractive benefit: in addition to having a direct payroll deduction, users can convert their credit limit into cash! This represents an additional facility for those who need quick resources. Credit release is expedited, occurring within 48 hours, and the most impressive thing is that this happens without the need to consult credit protection agencies, such as SPC and SERASA.


A financial solution that promises to ease the pockets of many retirees and pensioners, offering access to resources in a simplified way and without the usual complications of conventional credit processes.

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  • It is a type of loan with installments deducted directly from the payroll or benefits of retirees, INSS pensioners and, in some cases, public servants and employees of partnered private companies.
  • INSS retirees and pensioners, public servants and employees of private companies with an agreement for payroll loans.
  • Lower interest rates, ease of approval even for negative people, longer payment terms and payment security.

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